  • 期刊


Equilibrium Analysis of Enforcing After-Hours Fixed-Price Trading in a Call Market Under Asymmetric Information




This paper examines an order-driven trading mechanism similar to those adopted by Taiwan Stock Exchange and Paris Bourse, where no authorized market makers exist and public traders submit limit orders (price-quantity pairs) that are gathered and executed at one transaction price. We show that in the absence of market makers, in equilibrium rational liquidity suppliers are able to jointly construct a positively sloping supply curve by submitting tiny and different limit orders. Two types of equilibria may arise under this trading mechanism, the high-volume equilibrium and the low-volume equilibrium, where the former Pareto dominates the latter. We then analyze the effects of after-hours fixed-price trading on market liquidity and traders' welfare using the above framework. It is shown that the policy may benefit some liquidity traders if the liquidity demand is sufficiently high after closing. In the remaining case, the policy tends to raise the likelihood of the inefficient low-volume equilibrium before closing, and because of the price rigidity, it discourages trades from happening after closing. Summing up, the policy results in a reduction in both market liquidity and every trader's welfare.


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