  • 期刊


Is Gay Men's Blood Dirty?: A Critique on the Regulation "Gay and Bisexual men are not Allowed to be Blood Donors"



本本試圖釐清「男同性戀與雙性戀者永遠不得捐血」此規定下的相關觀念,以探查此規定是否已炎有不自覺的偏見。 研究者在文獻回顧時,先介紹與血液安全的相關措施,進而分析「男同性戀不得捐血此規定下,盤根錯節已久的三組觀念,即「(高危險)行為vs.(高危險群)身份」、「捐血vs.(愛滋)檢驗」,以及「如何辨認誰是同性戀?」。研究者亦針對現今愛滋防治政策作相關討論。 接著,研究者從「『供血者健康標準表』與『捐血登記表』上的差異」、以及「中華血液基金會(Chinese Blood Service Foundation)在處理不同、傳染途徑卻相類似的病毒時的方式」等兩個指標,針對「男同性戀不得捐血」此規定進行分析。進而發現:「中華血液基金會」在面對血液安全此議題時,已受到台灣愛滋防治政策預設立場的影響,在面對愛滋病慣時,也已預含了偏見。 研究者於文末提出三點呼籲,「身分與行為間不必然存有對等且相呼應的連結關係」、「捐血前後諮商制度的實施更能確保血液品質」、「愛滋篩檢點不足必會形成防疫上的漏洞」,以期許台灣血液品質與安全的提升。


The purposes of this article are two-fold: (1) Probing the basic logic of this regulation “Gay and Bisexual Men Are Not Allowed to Be Blood Donors”, and (2) Finding out the way to reconcile the conflict between “blood safety” and “human right”. In literature review section, the author introduced some concepts and prevention methods about the blood safety. Then, three confronting pairs of notions under the blood safety with gay and bisexual men are discussed: (a) risk behavior vs. risk group; (b) blood transfusion vs. HIV test; and (c) How to recognize a gay (bisexual) man. Some issues with AIDS policy are also raised. The author analyzed the regulation from two dimensions: one is “the difference between the criteria for donor selection and the donor’s statement”, and the other is “the attitude of CBSF(Chinese Blood Service Foundation) introducing some virus like hepatitis-B, hepatitis-C, HTLV and HIV in its web-site.” It’s found that the value of CBSF has been influenced by the prejudiced Taiwan AIDS policy. I thing there are 3 ways to reconcile the conflict between “blood safety” and “human right”: (a) the selection of blood donor should depend on the donor’s action not her/his personal sexual identify;(b) Popularizing HIV test centers; (c) Offering full-scale counseling service before blood transfusion.


Li, C. L. (2011). None [master's thesis, National Central University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-1903201314411142
