  • 期刊
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Measurements and Analysis of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Ammonia Concentration in Open-Type Laying House


為實際瞭解本省之傳統開放式蛋雞舍內的溫度、相對溼度與氨氣濃度的數値,並與現行的相關標準比較,以評估對人與動物的影響。資料量測的結果將發展以溫度為主的模式,期能簡化未來所發展之環境品質之監控系統。 本研究於長為60公尺,寬為3公尺與高為2.5公尺之開放式蛋雞舍內量測35點溫度,5點相對溼度與1點氨氣濃度,採24小時連續記錄,共進行6個月。量測結果顯示溫度的分佈介於25~40℃之間,相對溼度之範圍在55~95%之間。而氨氣濃度的量測値則由20~45 ppm。其値與相關對人與對蛋雞的標準比較,均有過高的現象,値得相關人員的重視與謀求改善的方式。 經由統計分析的結果顯示,溫度的分佈由下而上漸增,而雞舍中間的溫度較前後兩端為高。雞舍內相對溼度的分佈,並無明顯的差異。而氨氣濃度的分佈則由下而上漸減,且當環境溫度升高時會有漸增的趨勢。而所建立的模式,其R-squared値均在0.88以上,有助於未來簡化環控作業的控制系統之發展。


Data measurements of temperatures, relative humidities and ammonia concentrations are compared with existing standards for human and animal health in laying house. Data will be processed to develop predicting models based on temperatures. The models will have the potential to simplify the monitoring and control system in the future. There are 35 temperature measurements,5 relative humidity measurements, and 1 ammonia concentration measurement in a laying house with the dimension of 60 m long, 3 m wide, and 2.5 m high. Data were recorded every hour for six months. The results show that the ranges of temperature, relative humidity, and ammonia concentration are 25 to 40℃, 55 to 95%, and 20 to 45ppm, respectively, and exceed the existing standards. Thus the related peoples need to be concerned with these facts and find the proper method to improve the environmental conditions. Temperature was increased from bottom to top and it is higher in the middle part of buildings than those in the front and back end. Relative humidity has no significant difference through all the building. Ammonia concentration was decreased from bottom to top and it was increased with increasing the environmental temperatures. All the developed predicting models have R-squared value above 0.88. These models will be helpful for simplifying the traditional environmental control facilities.


