  • 期刊


Decision System of Scheme Selection for Fashion Design Style


本研究目的為建構一個服裝設計的評價模式,以輔助決策最佳服裝風格之設計方案。因此本研究應用層級分析發展一套選擇最佳服裝風格設計方案評估決策系統,其研究步驟分為 1.建構評估準則與層級;2.檢定評估者的一致性;3.計算每一個評估準則之權重;4.綜合評點決策最佳的服裝設計風格方案。研究結果顯示選擇最佳服裝風格設計方案的評估準則,其權重大小依序為:美感性、市場性、流行性、主題性、創意性;次要評估準則權重大小依序為:消費認同、生活型態、流行預測、暢鞘品調整、品牌形象、系列風貌、產品定位、流行商展、新點子、競爭者的能力、年齡層、流行服裝發表會、主題故事、原有顧客的態度。對於年齡介於25歲至35歲屬於物質導向的女性消費者而言,最佳服裝風格之設計方案依序為:方案四(異材質的混搭風格)、方案三(紅與黑的都會風格)、方案一(黑色的蕾絲風格)、方案二(狂野的搖滾風格)、方案五(浪漫的復古風格)。


The purpose of this study is to construct an evaluation model, as a support system, for fashion design decision. This study used Analysis Hierarchical Structure (AHP) to develop the best scheme selection of decision system for fashion design style. The research schedules include: establish the criteria and evaluation structure, examination the evaluator's consistence, calculate criteria weights, and synthesis evaluation for the best scheme selection of fashion design style. The result shows the important criteria include aesthetics, marketing, fashionable, theme, and creative, respectively. In addition, the important sub-criteria include consumer identity, consumer lifestyle, fashion forecast , best-seller modification, brand image , collection look, product \ position, fashion fair, new idea , competitive, consumer age, fashion show, theme story, and consumer attitude , correspondingly. The best scheme selection of fashion design style is scheme four (combination with different fabrics), scheme three (urban with black & red), scheme one (black lace) , scheme two (crazy rock) , and scheme five (romantic retro-chic), in that order.
