  • 期刊


Hybrid Streaming Delivery System Design in CBMS


DVB-H上之IP DataCast為一種用來傳送各種以IP為基礎之數位內容及服務之廣播系統,其包含了單向傳輸之DVB廣播路徑且可與雙向之行動互動網路結合。因此IP DataCast可做為結合廣播與行動電信來提供服務之平台。在DVB-IPDC標準中,納入了支援使用3GPP PSS單播網路上之串流服務,而新版本的ESG也包含了PSSAccessType之unicast access fragment。除此之外,CDP work group也定義了有關單播與廣播串流換手之工作項目。本文將描述基於DVB-IPDC於DVB-H廣播系統結合行動互動網路之混合式行動電視系統架構,並說明結合DVB-H廣播服務以及3GPP PSS單播網路串流服務之混合式串流傳輸系統設計。


IP DataCast over DVB-H is used to deliver various digital content and services that are based on IP, it can combine one-way transmission DVB broadcast network with two-way interactive mobile network. Therefore, IP DataCast can be used to provide broadcast and mobile services. Support for streaming delivery over unicast bearers using the 3GPP PSS is being included in the DVB-IPDC specifications. The latest version of the ESG includes a PSSAccessType for unicast access fragment referencing. Additionally the CDP work group has identified a work item regarding stream handover between unicast and broadcast access. This paper introduces the hybrid streaming delivery system architecture and describes the design of a system for hybrid streaming delivery over DVB-H broadcast and 3GPP PSS unicast.
