  • 期刊


Method for Reducing Routing Overhead for Mobile Ad Hoc Network


本論文提出一種方法用於減輕DSDV(Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector)路由協定的網路負載。本方法保留DSDV路由協定所具備的最短路徑與無繞路迴圈等諸多優點,並且解決傳統DSDV網路當拓樸發生改變時所引發的路由訊息氾濫的問題。本論文觀察到在DSDV網路中的各節點通往一特定目的節點的全部路徑恰可構成一棵路由樹,進而提出一機制來動態維護各節點在路由樹中所扮演的角色(中間節點或末端節點)。當目的節點對外廣播更新的路由訊息時,各節點即依據本身的角色與訊息內容來判斷該訊息對於相鄰節點的必要性,從而阻止冗餘訊息繼續轉送。本方法適用於節點密度集中且移動快速的行動通訊網路,可達成頻寬資源的有效使用、降低計算成本與節省各節點存放路由資訊的記憶體空間。


In this paper, we propose a method for DSDV routing protocol to reduce redundant messages when the network topology changes. The proposed method still benefits from DSDV, such as shortest routing path and loop-free routing path. Given any destination node, we are able to construct a routing tree from DSDV network by selecting the destination node as the root. Furthermore, we develop a mechanism for each node to determine whether it is an internal node or a leaf node. When the destination node broadcasts a routing message, a leaf node checks whether the message should be forwarded. The proposed method is suitable for mobile ad-hoc network with high density. It provides better bandwidth utilization, lower computational cost and requires smaller storage of routing information for each node.
