  • 期刊


Developing a Expert System Shell to Diagnose High School Student' Conceptual Structures on Simple D.C. Circuits


本研究的主要目的,是要從解概念題的角度,設計一套結構嚴謹、包含操作性問題與開放式說明理由問題之二段式紙筆測驗,再輔以結構化個別晤談,來探查學生對直流電路概念結構的模型,並且進一步探究學生運用那些核心概念或邊際概念於簡單直流電路的解題,再轉換成診斷型的專家系統之雛型。 在本研究中,學生對直流電路的有關概念可以視為一個完整的概念結講,有其完整性,學生應用其概念結講中的各個概念模組來解決各種不同類型的直流電路試題。學生對直流電路的概念結構,可以分成三大類型: 1.電池提供固定電壓型, 2.電池提供固定電流型, 3.電池提供固定電壓電流混合型。 為了幫助教師能迅速且有效地診斷學生的迷思概念,及更進一步區分學生的堅固中心想法與想法的保護地帶,作為教授新課程或補救教學的依據,研究者綜合人工智慧、認知學習理論、建構主義的知識論,發展出適合於課堂上使用的診斷工具,即『診斷型的專家系統殼層』,它也是智慧型電腦輔助教學系統的雛形。此專家系統主要由兩大部分組成: 1.由訓練範例產生規則的學習系統; 2.擷取學生知識的適性測驗系統。




The purpose of the study is to develop a well-structured, paper-pencil test consisting of operational questions and open-ended questions which ask students to describe their reasonings. In conjuction with the use of interview, the study is trying to identify students' conceptual models for the direct current circuits and further more, to search for students' core and marginal concepts for solving problems regarding direct current circuits. Finally, a diagnostic expert system is developed based on the written test. The results of this study indicate that most students possessan integrated conceptual models with regard to direct current circuits, i.e. they applied their model to solve a variety of questions in the test. Three types of students' conceptual models were identified (1)the battery providing constant voltage model. (2)the battery providing constant current model. (3)the battery providing constant voltage or constant electric current model depending on the contest. In order to help school teachers effectively identify students' conceptual structures regard the direct current circuits, a prototype of intelligent computer assisting teaching system named Diagnostic Expert System Shell was developed. The expert system is consists of two parts: (1)the learning system which generalizes rules from training examples. (2)the adaptive testing system which acquiring students' knowledge


