

腎細胞癌約佔原發於腎臟的惡性腫瘤中的90%到95%。在病理組織學分類上,亮細胞癌(clear cell carcinoma)是腎細胞癌最常見的類型。約有15%的病人,腎細胞癌會轉移到頭頸部。轉移到鼻咽部則非常罕見。本院於2002年3月經歷一例,患者為57歲的男性,主訴為鼻塞2個月,左耳有漲滿感,鼻涕中帶有血絲。鼻咽內視鏡檢查發現鼻咽部有一個紅色、肉芽狀腫塊。安排病人接受鼻咽部切片檢查,病理切片報告為亮細胞癌。腎臟超音波檢查發現左腎有一個腫塊。證實為轉移到鼻咽部的腎細胞癌。惟病人因個人因素,無法接受進一步治療。雖然亮細胞癌轉移到鼻咽部非常罕見,我們在對鼻咽部腫塊作鑑別診斷時,仍需加以考慮。


亮細胞癌 腎細胞癌 鼻咽 轉移


Renal cell carcinoma accounts for 90-95% of malignant neoplasms arising from the kidney. Clear cell carcinoma is the most common histologic variant of renal cell carcinoma. Approximately 15% of patients with renal cell carcinoma have extracranial head and neck metastases, but metastasis to the nasopharynx is extremely rare. We report a 57-year-old man who suffered from nasal obstruction for two months. Left aural fullness and blood-tinged rhinorrhea were also noted. Nasopharyngoscopy showed a reddish, granular mass within the nasopharynx. The nasopharyngeal punch biopsy was performed and the histopathology report revealed a clear cell carcinoma. Renal echo was also performed and showed a hyperechoic tumor in the left kidney. Renal cell carcinoma metastatic to the nasopharynx was confirmed, but the patient refused to receive treatment. Although a clear cell carcinoma metastatic to the nasopharynx is extremely rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a nasopharyngeal mass.

