



A plunging ranula is a relatively uncommon phenomenon, presenting as mucous extravasation from a sublingual gland into the cervical tissue spaces, with a pseudocyst that lacks an epithelial lining. It typically manifests as a soft, painless, non-mobile swelling in the neck, with some patients having had previous mouth-floor surgery or trauma. We present a rare case of giant plunging ranula with headache and trismus, associated with an extensive right-sided tender swelling of the neck. The patient had undergone surgery for an oral ranula 15 months previously, without complete excision of the sublingual gland. A computed tomography scan of the neck revealed variously sized low attenuation cystic lesions involving the sublingual and submandibular space, with extension into the parapharyngeal space up to the base of the skull, causing a mass effect on the surrounding structures. The patient underwent surgical removal of the cervical cyst and sublingual gland via a cervical approach. The histopathologic examination confirmed the pseudocystic wall and chronic inflammation of the gland. Symptoms caused by cyst compression were relieved immediately after surgery. Temporary numbness of the tongue was noted postoperatively but resolved within 1 month. No recurrence of the ranula was observed during the subsequent follow up.


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