

背景:隨著醫療進步,老年人口有逐年增加的趨勢,因此罹患頭頸部惡性腫瘤的老年人也較以往增多,頭頸部惡性腫瘤中,以口腔癌最爲常見。但有關口腔癌老年患者的治療方式與預後,是否與年輕患者不同,目前仍未有定論。本研究在控制配對的條件下,比較65歲以上口腔癌患者與65歲以下口腔癌患者之預後。 方法:採病歷回溯方式,本研究自1999年至2005年,收集154例新診斷爲口腔癌患者,從中選取60名患者分爲兩組,20名爲老年患者(65歲以上),40名爲年輕患者(45歲至65歲),根據其性別、原發腫瘤位置、期別及治療方式進行配對,比較兩組之存活率。 結果:在相同的治療方式下,比較兩組間之總存活率(overall survival)、疾病相關存活率(disease specific survival)及局部區域控制存活率(locoregional control survival),在控制配對條件下,分析兩組之風險比率(risk ratio [RR])、95%信賴區間(confidence interval [CI])及顯著值(p-value),結果顯示總存活率([RR] 1.442; 95% [CI] 0.583-3.385; p=0.411)、疾病相關存活率([RR] 1.354; 95% [CI] 0.523-3.313; p =0.526)及局部區域控制存活率([RR] 0.891; 95% [CI] 0.346-2.124; p=0.796)在兩組間沒有顯著差異。 結論:本研究發現在相似的治療方式下,本院之口腔癌老年患者(65歲以上)之存活率與年輕患者(45歲至65歲)沒有顯著差異。


老年 鱗狀細胞癌 口腔


BACKGROUND: To compare the survival rates of patients aged 65 years or older and diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity with those patients younger than 65 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of 20 patients aged 65 years or older with SCC of the oral cavity was performed. We matched each of these patients by sex, tumor site and stage with 2 patients younger than 65 years. RESULTS: There was no difference in overall, disease-specific or locoregional control survival rates between the patients who were 65 years or older and those younger than 65 years. Furthermore, matched survival analysis didn’t demonstrate a difference in 5-year overall survival rate (risk ratio [RR] 1.442; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.583-3.385; p=0.411), disease-specific survival rate ([RR] 1.354; 95% [CI] 0.523-3.313; p=0.526) and locoregional control survival ([RR] 0.891; 95% [CI] 0.346-2.124; p=0.796), and was not affected by adjustment for medical comorbidities. CONCLUSION: We found no difference in the survival rates of patients with SCC of the oral cavity who were 65 years or older or younger than 65 years and underwent similar treatment at our institution.


elderly squamous cell carcinoma oral cavity
