



Cholesteatoma that has developed in the middle ear and mastoid cavity is common but the disease is rare in the external canal. Furthermore, cholesteatoma as a result of a traumatic fracture of the temporal bone is an extremely rare condition. Only eight cases of traumatic cholesteatoma formation have been reported in the United States, and less than a dozen cases have been reported internationally. The long interval to diagnosis and the absence of clinical symptoms allows extensive growth of the cholesteatoma; this can result in it being difficult to manage surgically on presentation. In October 2005, a 40-year-old male visited our OPD with his chief complaints being fluctuating headaches and dizziness for more than five months. He had been treated by various neurologists and otolaryngologists, but there had been no improvement. The local findings revealed that the right eardrum was intact without retraction and the skin of external canal was intact, but there was a slightly elevated area at the posterosuperior aspect of the osseous external canal. Using careful cotton tip palpation, we found there seemed to be a defect behind the slightly elevated area. Therefore, CT visualization of temporal bone was carried out, and this showed the present of an unhealed temporal bone fracture line; this had resulted in a bony defect of the ear canal. Furthermore, a large soft tissue mass occupied the tympanomastoid cavity and a loss of incus was also noted. An audiogram was conducted and this reported right conduction hearing loss with a 33-dB gap. On tracing his history, it was discovered that he had been involved in a car accident about ten plus years previously and suffered a right temporal bone fracture. There had been no history or symptoms of ear disease before that time. Under the impression of traumatic cholesteatoma of the external canal with tympanomastoid invasion, he underwent canal-wall-down modified radical tympanomastoidectomy with meatoplasty. The impression was confirmed intraoperatively. The patient has received regular follow up in our OPD without evidence of recurrence up to the present. We recommend that medical practitioners should be alert to the possibility of post-traumatic cholesteatoma when patients who have suffered a longitudinal or mixed temporal bone fracture present with any new otological complaint. In these circumstances, it is essential to perform a detailed examination together with extensive and meticulous cotton tip palpation.

