  • 期刊


Herpes Zoster Oticus with "Chocolate-vanilla Tongue"


「巧克力香草舌」是一種舌部帶狀疱疹的表徵,在三叉神經帶狀疱疹或耳性帶狀疱疹(侖謝亨特氏症候群)患者會見到,但臨床上相當罕見。一65歲女性,罹患右側耳性帶狀疱疹,併發右側週邊型顏面麻痺與前庭神經炎,右半側舌面、硬顎及軟顎黏膜呈現紅腫與潰瘍,與左半側形成明顯的對比;由於左半側健康舌面仍具正常白色舌苔,其舌頭看起來像巧克力香草霜淇淋。爾後5日,接受靜脈注射抗病毒藥物acyclovir與副腎皮質素hydrocortisone,建議三餐食用冰淇淋或其他冰涼軟質食物,在飯後及睡前使用chlorhexidine gluconate溶液漱口。最後,該獨特舌部病徵隨著耳部膿疱一同緩解。


Chocolate-vanilla tongue, a presentation of lingual herpes zoster, could be noted in trigeminal herpes zoster or herpes zoster oticus (Ramsay Hunt syndrome), but is quite rare clinically. A 65-year-old woman has suffered right herpes zoster oticus with ipsilateral peripheral type facial palsy and vestibular neuritis. Her right hemi-tongue, hard and soft hemi-palates were red, swelling and ulcerative, those were quite different from the left ones. Because the left heathy hemi-tongue still had normal white moss, her tongue looked like chocolate-vanilla soft ice cream. Over the following 5 days, she received intravenous antiviral acyclovir and glucocorticosteroid hydrocortisone. She was encouraged to eat ice cream or other cold soft food as meals and additionally, to gargle with chlorhexidine gluconate solution after meal and before sleep. Eventually, the unique lingual lesion remitted with the ear eruptive vesicles.
