  • 期刊


Design and Implementation of a Multimedia Education System for Nursing Physical Examination


護理身體評估是所有護理學生都必須學習的一門課程,學理與實務並重,以評估問診的方式來達到收集患者健康情形的相關資訊,在教學的過程中,通常需要配合圖片及影片的示範講解,才能夠讓學生徹底了解。目前市面上雖然已經有身體評估相關的書籍與教材,但是都屬於靜態的說明,學生自行閱讀的成效不佳。近年來由於資訊及網路科技的進步,多媒體線上教學系統的製作越來越容易,網路教材可以打破時空限制,具備許多傳統教材的優點,利用網路線上的學習,可以將加強學習者的記憶,也可以使學習者方便且挑選配合自己的時問做最佳的學習,多媒體介面的活潑生動性,更吸引學習的的注意,進而提高學習者的學習效率。 本文是針對身體評估的教材區分為呼吸、循環、神經及腸胃等系統,建立了資料庫,加入多圖片及影片等多媒體資料,並建置了資料庫伺服器、應用系統伺服器及影音串流伺服器,提供網路學習的環境。使用者只要使用一般的電腦連結上網,就可以依照身體的各部位逐一閱讀檢視教材,也可以透過全文資料系統,迅速的由資料庫尋找所需的資料,在各章節之後,並加入了互動式的練習題,以檢測使用者了解的程度。本系統製作的經驗,可以作為將來開發網路相關教材的參考。


Physical examination is one of the required classes in nursing. This course is designed to emphasize both theory and hand-on experiences. To let students thoroughly understand the course content, a teacher prefers to use multimedia to teach students the correct way of collecting a patient's medical data. However, current teaching materials on the market are mostly based on printed texts and have very limited benefits to student learning. With the rapid progress of computer and Internet, multimedia based education has become widely available. In addition to having all the advantages in traditional education, the computer and Internet based teaching scheme also offers flexibility in the time and location of a learning process. For example, a student can easily refresh his or her memory after class, as long as computer and Internet are available to the student. Furthermore, the multimedia teaching is a multi-dimensional learning environment. The interactive function of a multimedia tends to catch a student's attention and makes a learning process more efficient. This paper describes a multimedia based database for teaching physical examination. The scope of the database covers the breathing, circulation, neurotics, and abdomen systems. The course materials are stored into a database chapter by chapter Pictures and videos can be presented through an Internet browser. A distance learning environment can be constructed through the implementation of the database, application, and video-stream servers. When a user is on-line, he or she can learn through the materials by following the sequence of the systems or can locate the materials of a particular subject from the database. There are also review questions in each chapter for self-evaluation. In this paper, we would like to share our experience in implementing a multimedia teaching environment through computer and Internet. This experience could be valuable for developing Internet courses in the future.


