  • 期刊


Explore the Clinicians' Satisfaction of Mobile Health in a Regional Teaching Hospital-Importance-Satisfaction Analysis


近年來因PDA、平板電腦等行動裝置的出現,發展出醫師攜帶平板電腦或智慧型手機作為巡房的輔助設備,藉此可隨時連線查閱病人的臨床資訊及向病人解說病情,不但縮短醫病間的距離,也可及時掌握病人病況,提升醫療品質及病人安全。本研究以結構式問卷進行全院臨床醫師對行動醫療(mHealth)的重要性-滿意度調查,共發放120份問卷,回收87份問卷,有效問卷75份,有效回收率為63%。本研究使用重要性-滿意度分析法(Importance SatisfactionAnalysis, IPA)發現,臨床醫師對mHealth的「iDO Viewer」、「TPR紀錄」、「臨床工作站Examine」等功能感覺重要並且滿意,是醫院應予以繼續保持的項目;但「就診紀錄查詢」及「UniReport報告查詢」則是醫師使用mHealth後,認為重要且不滿意的項目。本研究證實在mHealth提供服服務中,醫院醫師最重視的是臨床資訊功能,如檢驗數據、影像檢查等臨床資訊查詢,故建議醫院應以就診紀錄及檢查報告(UniReport)查詢列為優先改善重點,以滿足醫院醫師對病人即時性臨床資訊的需要。


Currently, emerging mobile devices like PDA or tablet encourage physicians to use them as auxiliary equipment to check and explain patients' conditions by the access of mobile health (mHealth) services during their ward rounds. Thus, mobile devices not only shorten the information gap between physicians and patients, but also help physicians promptly grasp over patient's real-time condition to improve medical quality and patient safety. In this study, structured questionnaire was used to survey about the degree of importance and satisfaction of physicians on the mobile health. We distributed 120 questionnaires, 87 responded and 75 were valid. The valid response rate is 63 %. With method of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), we found that 「iDO Viewer」, 「Temperature-pulse-respiratory sheet 」,「Clinical Examine」fall on quadrant Ⅰ, means these services were both important and satisfied for physicians which hospital should continue to maintain. On the other hand,「Treatment history」 and 「UniReport」fall on quadrant Ⅳ were important but unsatisfied for physicians which hospital should strengthen to improve. This study proved that clinical information such as laboratory data, image reports are most needful for physicians to get for patient care. Thus, we suggest that「Treatment history」 and 「UniReport」should be prioritized to improve for fitting physicians' instant mHealth requests.
