  • 期刊


An Essay on the Contrast of Educational Movements between Equal Opportunity and Multiculturalism


本文旨在透過對教育機會均等與多元文化教育兩「教育運動」的理念分析與對比,澄清其目的訴求及價值義涵,以期對當前在這兩種教育的論述、研究、政策、或實踐上,激發更深刻的探究。 教育機會均等或多元文化教育,都涉及性別、族群、階級、身心特質等等因素。論者多以為它們旨在實現社會正義,本文作者則不以為然。 教育機會均等,主要是對教育與平等兩項價值的追求,是爭取公平教育權的運動,其實踐策略常因社會情境之異而有別,大致可分為「求有」、「求平」、「求好」、「求尊嚴」等情況。 多元文化教育關注兩層面:(一)教育實踐過程中種種差異團體的文化因素,是否受到公平對待或存有偏見或歧視的現象,實質上乃在追求公平的教育權;(二)教育為文化實踐之一環,各文化社群裡本來就有其「教育」活動,多元文化教育旨在回應多元文化的人類處境,透過文化詮釋或批判,以理解、檢視、或導引教育實踐,重建社會規範與秩序,實質上是訴求象徵意義或文化權的運動。 多元文化教育與教育機會均等,因意義詮釋之不同,或因非同步的時空關係,成為不相屬或甚至相互對抗的兩範疇。


This essay is aimed at clarifying the meanings and purposes of equality of educational opportunity and multicultural education. In order to do so, conceptual tools such as justice, sameness, cultural difference, recognition, redistribution, and non-synchronous relation are employed to help interpret two senses of duality (not dualism) in relation to multiculturalism and multicultural education. Factual and ideal senses of multiculturalism constitute one form of duality. The argumentative ground for multicultural education based both on sameness and difference is the other form of duality. By duality I mean mutual interpretation. The main purpose of equality of educational opportunity is to tackle unjust inequalities resulting from different treatments to the sameness of humanity. As regards, difference of all sorts that attracted inequitable educational treatments before has to be considered as irrelevant and unjust on the ground of this meaning of sameness. This egalitarian movement for fair and equal educational opportunities is actually an appeal for more and better education for all. The factual meaning of multiculturalism explains the human situations of hybridity, while the ideal sense qualifies the normative actions toward these situations. The dual targets of multicultural education is related to unjust treatment based on sorts of ”differences” on the one hand, and to ”the same treatments to the differences” on the other. The justice-based interpretation is crying for 'just' education for all on the ground of redistribution of educational resources; but the difference-based interpretation is more concerned with (recognition of) the differences of identity, culture, and power. The justice-based interpretation of multicultural education tends to fail to grasp the very meaning of differences. The non-synchronous relation of these two educational movements makes them historically distinctive but not incompatible.


Bank, James A.,Cherry A,McGee Banks(Eds.)(1989).Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives.Needham Height, Mass.:Allyn Bacon.
Banks, James A.,Cherry A.,McGee Banks (Eds.)(1989).Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives.Needham Heights, Mass.:Allyn & Bacon.


