  • 期刊


Modeling and Control of Flexible Substrates Moving on the Roller


軟性電子由於具備質量輕、厚度薄、耐衝擊、可撓曲、易攜帶、以及造型變化自由度大等之特性,所以在可攜式電子及新興產品的應用領域上,佔有絕對的優勢。軟性電子的最大特色,是能以連續式製程技術,加以大量製作,可有效節省人力、提高產能並降低生產成本。在可繞性基板連續式製程的處理上,捲放裝置(Roll to Roll)是其中一項重要的設備。該設備藉由捲取過程中,對軟板張力、速度與橫向位移的調整,進而能控制軟性電子製程的精度和速度。目前國內所使用的roll to roll捲軸控制器,皆採用國外現有的套裝組件,但由於各個控制器,皆是獨立運作的黑盒子,不能更改其動作邏輯;在缺乏橫向與縱向的整合下,以致無法針對某一客製需求,作最優的製程設計。為了因應日益多樣化的軟性電子製程,國內研發單位必須自行開發各種專屬的roll to roll控制器。 本文的目的即在於介紹開發roll to roll控制器所需要的學理基礎,針對滾輪軟板系統的縱向與橫向整合運動,進行數學建模。並分析其響應,並以建立模組化的系統設計為目標,提供軟電製程設備研發單位,快速且正確的系統響應分析工具,從而能充分掌握製程設備的特性,以開發合於軟電產品需求的產業製程設備。


Making electronic products flexible is an important trend in the future. Soft electronics has the properties of being thinner, lighter, more flexible and easier to change in shape. Soft electronics, unlike other electronics, can be manufactured by a continuous process to facilitate mass production. Roll-to-roll system is the major device involved in the continuous manufacture of soft electronics. By controlling the tension and lateral displacement of flexible substrates, a roll-to-roll system can adjust the manufacturing speed and accuracy of soft electronics. So far all the roll-to-roll controllers used in Taiwan industry have been provided by foreign commercial suppliers. These modulized controllers, which act as black boxes and operate independently with unchangeable motion logics, cannot offer customer-requested optimal design for continuous manufacture of soft electronics. To satisfy the increasingly diverse requests of soft-electronics manufacturing process, Taiwan industry has to develop its own roll-to-roll controllers. The purpose of this haper is to provide the theoretical background necessary for the development of roll-to-roll controller. The mathematical model of longitudinal and lateral roll-to-roll dynamics will be derived first in this paper and then used to analyze its responses to different physical parameters of soft substrates. Based on the derived model, a PID controller is designed to maintain the requested rolling speed while minimizing the lateral displacement of the soft subtracts.
