  • 期刊

利用SAR 影像研究蘇祿海的內波

Using SAR Images to Study Internal Waves in the Sulu Sea


菲律賓南部蘇祿海(Sulu Sea)的內波相當活躍,本研究蒐集了1996至2001年間,新加坡大學遙測及影像處理中心(CRISP)所接收之ERS-1/2衛星在該海域上空所攝得約400張之SAR影像,來探討蘇祿海內波之發源、傳播及演化。經歸納分析發現,蘇祿海內波的發源、傳播、演化與Apel et al.(1985)及Liu et al.(1985)論文所描述的大致相同。內波發源於蘇祿海東南部海域,內波產生後,向西北方向傳播;而蘇祿海的東北海域則完全沒有內波。然本研究發現更多的細節,例如蘇祿海內波的源點不只一處,以及不同源點波峰線延伸並銜接的『手牽手』現象;此外蘇祿海的西側,內波受地形的影響,有非常明顯的折射及反射現象。


內波 合成孔徑雷達 蘇祿海


Large-scaled internal waves are active in the Sulu Sea, South of Philippine. In this paper, we had collected more than 400 of ERS-1/2 SAR images, obtained during 1996 and 2001, from web site of Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP), http://crisp.nus.edu.sg. First, we plotted the distribution map of the internal waves in the Sulu Sea. From this map, we study the generation, propagation and evolution of internal waves in the Sulu Sea. We found similar results as mentioned in Apel et al. (1985) and Liu et al.(1985). It is found that most of the internal waves are generated from the Sulu archipelago in southeast of the Sulu Sea and travels toward the Palawan Island. But, SAR images provide us more details. SAR images indicated that there are at least 3 sources. Wave fronts from each source will interact and be connected as a long wave crest with length of 100 km near the source. The 2D effect of ”hand-in-hand” phenomenon is essential for the formation of huge internal solitons in the Sulu Sea. The SAR images also showed us some other features, such as no internal waves in the North East of the Sulu Sea, the refraction and diffraction of internal waves are clear in the shallow water South West of the Sulu Sea.


Internal Wave SAR Sulu Sea


