  • 期刊



本研究係採實驗設計,以電腦化施行前後測試所得的組識內部環境的認知之差異以及組識承諾之差異做依變數,而以電腦化策略及生產線為實驗設計之自變數,將此二自變數做為本研究之二個實驗處理因子;另外,為探討電腦化策略是否因生產線不同而對組識內部環境的認知和組識承諾有所影響,本研究亦對此兩種實驗處理變數之交叉效果(cross effect)加以分析。在研究方法上,本論文對組識內部環境的認知變數的衡量採用綜合機構衡量及問卷訪問法;對組織承諾之衡量方法則採用問卷訪問法。組織內部環境的認知以自行修訂之「組識內部環境的認知量表」進行衡量;而組識承諾之衡量則以丁虹所修正的「組識承諾量表」為之。而在資料分析方法上則採因素分析,變異數分析,以及正準相關分析等三種方法。研究結果發現,透過雙因子完全隨機實驗設計以及時間縱切面之資料分析,發現在「組識內部環境的認知」之「正式化程度」上的差異,確可顯著歸因於電腦化策略。此外,本研究結果亦發現電腦化策略對於組識承諾有直接效果的影響;透過組織內部環境的認知以影響組識承諾之間接效果比較不明顯。最後,本研究亦發現組織內部環境的認知與組識承諾間確有一致性的因果關係存在。


This study an experiment design approach, in which the variance of the perception of organizational internal environment between before and after-experiment and the vaniance of the organizanional commitment between before-and after-experiment are used dependent variables, and computerization strategy and production line as independent variables or treatements. In addition, to verify whether computerization strategy affect the perecption of organization internal enviornment and the organizational commitment regardless production lines, this study also analyses the cross effect brought about by the two experiment treatments. With regard to the methodology in the study, two inventory scales are used; one developed by this study is for measuring the perception of organizational internal environment, and the other developed by Ding-Hun (1986) for measuring organizational commitment. As to the data analysis, factor analysis, analysis of variance and cannonical correlation analysis are included. The result of this study show that, by means of two-way completely randomized experimental and longitudinal data, the variation of dergree of formalization, one of the five dimensions of the perception of organizational internal envionment is really attributable to the computerization strategy adopted. In addition, this study also finds that computerization strategy have a direct on organizational commitment, and the indirect effect through the perception of organizational internal enviroment is not significant. Finally, this study also shows that there exists a consistent cusal realationship between the perception of organizational internal environment and the organizational commitment.


