  • 期刊


Biotechnology as an Evolutionary Path




This paper draws on the literature of evolutionary theorizing to argue the importance of creative action, paradigmatic rules and institutional resources in industrial and technological activities. This argument is then applied empirically to the study of biotechnology industry of 1865-2001. Creative action is understood as a series of destructive creation, or creative destruction, that advances technology development and industry growth. Paradigmatic rules are socialized norms that force firms to take into isomorphism seriously. Beneficial in innovation, institutional resources reward firms' compliance to paradigmatic rules. In application, we divide the development of biotechnology into three stages: stage 1 (1865-1972): the discovery of gene, chromosome and nucleic acid; stage 2 (1973-1995): the double helix of DNA, genetic engineering and technology; stage 3 (1996-2001): Human Genome Project and biological chips. For each of the stages, we then afford the industry with analyses of creative action, paradigmatic rules and institutional resources. Implications for theory, research and policy are briefly discussed.


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