  • 期刊


A Study on Perceived Quality and Purchase Intention from Brand Awareness-Using for Moderators of Price and Country-of-origin image


隨著中國大陸的經濟成長,以及兩岸加入WTO後,國際大廠逐漸將生產重心由台灣轉移至中國大陸,使得國內資訊產業面臨市場結構性的變化,廠商唯有先調整內需市場的方向後才能穩健進軍海外市場。同時隨著全球市場的逐漸開放,消費者將會面對更多的產品可供選擇,本研究的目的在於探討品牌知名度在受到價格與來源國形象的調節下,對於消費者知覺品質和購買意願的影響。本研究所要操作的三個實驗變數包括品牌知名度、價格和來源國形象,而每個變數又分成高低二種水準,故本研究為一2×2×2的實驗因子,共有8個實驗組。為了達到實驗設計高樣本同質性的要求,本研究選定全國大專院校資訊管理、資訊工程和電子工程等三個科系的教師,每個實驗組寄發100份問卷,故共寄發800份問卷於所選定的教師樣本,有效回收樣本為297份。 研究結果顯示:(1)品牌知名度在價格的干擾下,對於知覺品質無顯著之影響,但對於購買意願具有顯著負向之影響(2)品牌知名度在來源國形象干擾下,對於知覺品質和購買意願具有顯著正向之影響(3)高品牌知名度產品受價格或來源國形象的干擾時,對於知覺品質和購買意願的影響遠大於低品牌知名度產品。


With the rapid economic growth in Mainland China and the entry into WTO of both China and Taiwan, many international manufacturers have been increasingly transferring their production from Taiwan to China. This has made the information industry in Taiwan confront with structural change in the market. In order to expand their business steadily into overseas markets, the companies have to adjust their policy for the domestic market. With the growing opportunities of the global market, consumers will have more choices than before. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of brand awareness, using price and country-of-origin image as moderators, on consumer's perceived quality and purchase intentions. This study was a 2(brand awareness)×2(price)×2(country-of-origin image) between-subjects design. All three variables were manipulated at two levels, high and low. In order to ensure the sample similarity of the experimental design, the faculty from three departments, Information Management, Information Engineering and Electronic Engineering departments, in colleges, technical institutions and universities in Taiwan are chosen as participants of this study. Each experimental group is given 100 questionnaires which made it 800 questionnaires all together. The valid samples collected are 297 pieces. The results of this study indicate: (1) Perceived quality is not significantly affected by brand awareness when price is used as moderator. However, there is significant positive effect on purchase intentions. (2) Perceived quality and purchase intentions are significantly positively affected by brand awareness when country-of-origin image is used as moderator. (3) When moderated by price or country-of-origin image, the effect of high brand awareness products on perceived quality and purchase intentions is far greater than low brand awareness products.


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