  • 期刊


E-King-E Co.-Get Rid of Lunch Mess





The wave of assistant departures hits E-King-E Co. badly just because the lunchtime chaos. Assistants in E-King-E Co. have to handle whole company's lunch order and collect the bill. This trivial but disorder daily routine job exhaust all assistants energy, so does Liya, the positive and active new assistant of E-King-E Co who try to reverse the tide. This case is about an improvement project to reduce customers' complaints and get rid of the lunch mess. Liya applied the knowledge about supply chain management. First she took the lunch ordering and bill collecting as a procurement process in supply chain management to identify the potential problem. Then Liya used the suppliers management to improve the order process. Finally, Liya proposed a new lunch order process to get rid of the lunch mess.


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