  • 期刊

曜越科技-打造科技潮牌 展現創新價值

Building Multi-brand Innovation Value: Thermaltake



本個案係描述曜越科技,面臨ICT(Information and Communication Technology)產業變遷嚴峻考驗、社群媒體興起的潮流;林培熙董事長帶領團隊創新突破,以品牌思維打造一系列科技潮牌,創新價值行銷國際的實際案例。個案中,描述林培熙董事長產品創新三部曲,奠立Thermaltake品牌之路。在2007年受到行動通訊產業的衝擊,營收快速下滑,力圖以散熱核心能力跨入新市場,因未能符合新世代消費者的需求而宣告失敗。林董事長帶領全員學習品牌新知,重新打造品牌基礎,帶領曜越進入品牌創新的新紀元,也成功掛牌上櫃。本個案著重曜越的品牌變革,由產品思維轉向品牌思維所創造的創新價值;本個案探討在數位科技時代企業應如何打造品牌,企業內不同品牌定位的區隔;多品牌企業如何研擬新產品研發(NPD)、品牌行銷、品牌管理的策略及實務,俾在數位時代創造企業競爭優勢,強化創新價值。這些議題均是值得學生探討學習的新興課題。


This paper describes how the president and chief executive officer of Thermaltake Technology, Kenny Lin, responded to rapid changes in the information and communications technology industry and built a series of new brands to keep pace with the latest trends in the digital and mobile industry. Based on the success of new product development (NPD), President Lin established a brand, Thermaltake, to sell products. In 2007, affected by the mobile communications industry, Thermaltake experienced a rapid decline in revenue. Therefore, President Lin attempted to enter a new market by adopting used core capability cooling technology. The mobile cooler did not succeed in the market because it did not meet the demand of a new generation of customers. Kenny Lin learned from this failure, and decided to learn brand knowledge, rebuild the brand foundation, and lead Thermaltake into a new multi-brand era, and then successfully list on OTC. This study focused on innovation value and Thermaltake's change from a product-oriented model to an innovative brand-oriented model. Brand construction, brand positioning, and segmentation are discussed based on research on Thermaltake's case of innovation. Moreover, Thermaltake's multi-brand business model provides an excellent background that enables students to understand the actions of a manager in digital times and how to create a new competitive innovation value by making several influential decisions regarding NPD, brand positioning, strategy, and marketing. These topics are interesting and worthwhile for students to explore.


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