  • 期刊


Effect of Hot Water Treatment on the Control of Mango Fruit Rot Disease


檬果果腐病是台灣重要的採收後病害,可造成檬果產業重大的經濟損失。本研究以不同溫水處理條件處理生長在玻璃紙上的五種檬果果腐病菌菌絲,結果顯示,58℃/1-3 min、60℃/10-30 sec 及 62℃/10-30 sec 等條件可完全殺死Neofusicoccum mangiferae、Neofusicoccum parvum及Fusicoccum aesculi等三種病原。Phomopsis mangiferae則需在58℃/2-3 min及62℃/20-30 sec之處理條件下方可完全被殺死,無法回復生長。而Lasiodiplodia theobromae在58℃/3 min、60 ℃/10-30 sec及62℃/10-30 sec處理後可完全被殺死。而在58℃/1-2 min、60℃/10-20 sec、62℃/20-30 sec溫水處理條件下均可明顯抑制上述五種果腐病原之分生孢子發芽。進一步以三種不同溫水處理條件處理人工接種及田間採收之果實,結果顯示在58℃/2 min及62℃/30 sec下,除了傷口接種L. theobromae及N. parvum的果實病斑大小未受到顯著抑制外,對其它病原接種後造成之病斑大小均有明顯的抑制,同時也可以顯著降低自官田地區所採收之檬果的果腐病,但對於玉井地區採收後之檬果果腐病無顯著防治效果,推測其原因可能與兩地主要果腐病病原菌相不同,對溫度感受性不同有關。


溫水處理 檬果 果腐病 防治


Fruit rot disease is one of the most important postharvest diseases on mango, and severely influenced the economic value of mango production in Taiwan. In this study, we evaluated the effects of hot water treatments on five pathogens that cause mango fruit rot, including Fusicoccum aesculi, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Neofusicoccum mangiferae, Neofusicoccum parvum, and Phomopsis mangiferae. Mycelial growth of F. aesculi, N. mangiferae, and N. parvum,was totally inhibited by the treatments at 58℃/1-3 min、60℃/10-30 sec, and 62℃/10-30 sec, whereas P. mangiferae was inhibited by 58℃/2-3 min and 62℃/20-30 sec. L. theobromae could not grow after the treatments at 58℃/3 min, 60℃/10-30 sec, and 62℃/10-30 sec. All hot water treatments could significantly inhibit conidial germination of tested pathogens. Moreover, treatments at 58℃/2 min and 62℃/30 sec reduced the symptom development on mango fruits wounding inoculation with N. mangiferae, P. mangiferae, and F. aesculi. Meanwhile fruit rot disease was significantly reduced by hot water treatment for mango fruits collected from Guntain area, but not for those collected from Yujing area. It was likely due to the different causing pathogens on these two areas.


hot water treatment mango fruit rot disease control
