  • 期刊


A Narrow Escape of the Canadian Airlines-In-flight Medical Care Experience


八十四年十月十九日於溫哥華搭乘加航班機飛台;未料起飛時,機件故障飛機衝出跑道,驚險萬分,所幸未落海、未爆炸,乘客緊急由救生門逃出,但仍有少數受傷。作者適亦搭乘該班機,乃主動展開急救,獲得中外人士好評!復在過境旅館中,熱心協助臺灣旅客膳宿、及受傷者送院就醫,使異域落難同胞深受感動。回程時,乘客中驚嚇過度在飛機上會有兩人發生休克狀況,又再廢寢忘食,施以急救,使加拿大航空空服人員及全體乘各讚譽有加。 本文作者就起飛出事、交涉經過,醫療照顧、案例報告、病情分析、機上醫裝、改進建議、應變處理檢討,做一說明,以響讀者。


On Oct. 19, 1995, the Canadian Airlines flying from Vancouver to Taipei: unexpectedly at the time of take-off, the plane rushed out of the runway due to engine failure warning and caused quite an alarm, but luckily did not drop into the sea or exploded, the passengers escaped through the emergency exit. But still many were injured. The author was coincidentally on the same plane and was very initiative to start help, and he received much praise from Chinese as well as foreigners. While at the transit hotel, he warmly helped the Taiwanese passengers to arrange for their food and lodging, and send those injured to the hospital for treatment, and all those who met disaster in the foreign land were greatly moved. On returning flight, among the passengers some of them who were over alarmed, two of them suffered from a state of shock inside the plane, again without food and sleep he was busy helping out-the flight attendants of the Canadian Airlines as well as all the passengers were full of praise for him. In this essay the author has made a careful discussion for the reader in: flight accident, communication experience, medical care, in-flight medical equipment, improved suggestions, and reassessment of reaction to changes.
