  • 期刊


G-induced Neck Injuries in High-Performance Aircraft Pilots


八十年代起,隨著許多高性能戰鬥機的服役,非彈射跳傘所引起的頸傷逐漸爲航醫們所矚目,這種新發現的航空職業病,在美、英、加、比利時、和北歐的芬蘭、挪威、瑞典等國皆有前瞻性的研究,其中F-16戰鬥機飛行員的高罹病率,似與其G高負荷和急遽增G率有關。 頸傷發生的時機常見於守勢的戰鬥演練,特別是六點鐘方位檢查,受傷的程度包括肌肉疼痛痙攣、斜頸、感覺異常、和運動障礙等,嚴重者甚至形成椎間盤的病變。未治癒的頸傷往往影響飛行中的狀態警覺,甚至使病情惡化。 預防的方法爲採用輕質的頭盔、加強頸肌的重量訓練,並且將頸椎的X光檢查列入航醫體檢的重點項目。各空軍基地的醫務單位亦必須籌設物理治療的裝備,協助傷患的復健。由於IDF和F-16戰鬥機皆採用30°仰角座椅,飛行員較易因體姿的前傾而導致頸肌的傷害,故在換裝期間宜密切注意此一問題的發生。


As more and more aircraft of super-maneuvcrin operate in 1980's, aviators and flight surgeons give attention to non-ejection cervical spine injuries. Clinical manifestations of this new occupational disease are well documented in American and North European Publications. Compared to previous generation fighter aircraft, the F-in has much higher incidence of episodes due to hight G load and hight G onset rate. The attack or neck trauma are commonly occurred during a defensive BFM, particularly in check-six head positioning. Several types of syndromes are recognized as muscle spasm, torticollis, paresthesias, and motor deficits. In certain serious cases, these lesions will result in herniated intervertebral disks or degeneration of cervical spine. It is not surprising that acute rock pain may lead to Loss of Situational awareness and thence pose threat to air combat. Regular neck muscle conditioning and light weight helmet wearing are useful in preventing acute neck pain. Medical screening, Such as X-ray, MRI, is recommend for recurrent examinations of active duty pilots. The medical corps of Tactical Air Force Base shall he equipped with physical therapy facilities for patients rehabilitation. Besides, the potential neck injury in IDF and F-l6 may be exacerbated by the tile angle seat. During the conversion of these weapon systems, the aviation medical community shall pay attention to this new problem.
