  • 期刊


Nurses' Perception of Acute Confusion


關於老年住院病人的急性混亂,至今仍然缺乏瞭解。本研究的目的爲藉著老年住院病人的護理人員的看法,來分析這個臨床現象。本研究以概念發展的混合模式做爲研究的架構,並採用調查法,以一份半結構問卷做爲研究工具,發給隨機抽取的600名伊利諾州護士協會的內外科注冊護士。共收回214份,回收率爲35.67%。 採用不斷比較的質性法分析資料的結果,護理人員們將急性混亂定義爲:突發及短期的思攷無組織、無定向感,以及不尋常或不適合的行爲(語言和/或身體的)。護理人員藉著持續的觀察,問病人問題,及由家屬及好友處得到的資料來辨認急性混亂;並以不尋常及不適當的行爲、思攷無組織、無定向感、約束等形容急性混亂的病人。 本研究的結論爲:護理人員將急性混亂視爲一種多元性的情境,反映於認知及行爲的紊亂上。建議未來研究應繼續著重概念/理論的發展。


護理人員 急性混亂 感知


The purpose of this study was to provide an analysis of the clinical phenomenon ¡°acute confusion¡± from the perspective of the registered nurses who cared for elderly hospitalizd patients. The hybrid model for concept development provided the conceptual framework for this study. From a statewide membership list of the INA registered nurses who worked in medical and/or surgical areas of acute care hospitals, 600 subjects were selected randomly, and mailed a semistructured questionnaire constructed by the investigator. Two hundred fourteen subjects returned questionnaires, a response rate of 35.67%. The results of this study were as follows: Subjects defined acute confusion as disorganized thinking, disorientation, behavior (verbal and/or physical) that is unusual for that individual, or inappropriate to the situation, and of sudden onset and short duration. The subjects identified acute confusion primarily by constantly observing the elderly patient’s cognitive function and behavior. Also, asking questions and obtaining information from family members or close friends were two additional methods used to identify acute confusion. Subjects described acute confusion in elderly patients as unusual and/or inappropriate behavior, disorganized thinking, disorientation, and restraint. Based on the content above, registered nurses perceived acute confusion as a multidimensional phenomenon reflected by both cognitive and behavioral disturbances. Suggestions for further research address issues relative to conceptual/theory development.


nurse acute confusion perception


