  • 期刊


The Feasibility of the Role of Clinical Nurse Specialist in Taiwan: The Delphi Technique


本研究之目的在探討護理界及醫界對發展專科護理師角色之共識,以作爲未來國內發展專科護理師之參攷,其主要重點如下:(1)探討發展專科護理師的可行性,(2)訂立專科護理師遴選標准,(3)制定專科護理師訓練內容,(4)規劃專科護理師之角色功能範圍,(5)探討專科護理師之資格維持辦法,(6)建議專科護理師之甄審機構,(7)建議專科護理師合宜分科。本研究採德爾菲研究法(Delphi technique)。共進行三回合問卷審視後,專家間已産生共識。最後之研究樣本包括醫師444人及護理人員308人,共752人。本研究之主要研究結果如下:一、專家皆肯定國內發展專科護理師之可行性。二、學經歷之遴選標準爲:(1)大學畢業臨床工作2-3年,(2)專科畢業臨床工作4-5年,(3)碩士學位臨床工作1-2年,(4)完成專科護理師之教學課程及臨床訓練。三、需要求具備相關臨床經驗。四、專科護理師應接受特別訓練。五、專科護理師之甄審機構大多主張由中華國護理學會或專科護理學會辦理。六、專科護理師之管理歸屬大多主張歸屬護理部。七、專科護理師的合宜分科包括外科、婦産科、內科等十二科。八、角色功能包括病人照護、護理專業發展、及醫療服務。本研究之結果,可提供衛生當局決策者在決定發展專科護理師制度時重要參考。


The purposes of this study are: (1)to explore the feasibility of establishing a CNS system; (2)to define the criteria for CNS certification; (3)to setup a standard CNS training program; (4)to define the role and function of the CNS; (5)to explore the requirements for maintaining CNS certification, and to determine the agency responsible for certifying CNS . This study was conducted using the Delphi techniques. The sample consisted of 444 physicians and 308 nurses. After three rounds of expert reviews, the major results of this study were as follows: almost all nurses and physicians said that the CNS system would be feasible in Taiwan. The selection criteria included a BS degree with 2-3 years of working experience, a diploma degree with 4-5 years of working experience, or an MS degree with 1-2 years of working experience, and completion of the CNS training program. The clinical experience required for a CNS included specialty experience and critical care experience. The training program for a CNS consisted of basic medical science, professional nursing courses, and practicum. Taiwan Nurses' Association, hospitals, or the Nursing Consultatory Advisory Committee of the Department of Health should determine the content of the training program. The appropriate CNS specialties or subspecialities included surgical, OBS/GYN, internal medicine, pediatric, orthopaedic, emergency, neurosurgery, neurology, psychiatry, cardiovascular, urology, and oncology. CNS certification can be valid for about 3 years. However, in order to renew CNS certification, the CNS should attend continuing education, participate in clinical teaching, and publish papers. The results of this study provide important implications and suggestions for establishing a CNS system in Taiwan.


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