  • 期刊


Why the number of deaths with COVID-19 differed from number of deaths from COVID-19?


呂宗學:由不同國家2019冠病毒疾病死亡率差異談死亡率可比性問題。台灣衛誌 2020;39:356-63。doi:10.6288/TJPH.202008_39(4).109062。 Lu TH. Explaining national differences in mortality from COVID-19: issues on comparability. Taiwan J Public Health 2020;39:356-63. doi:10.6288/TJPH.202008_39(4).109062. [In Chinese: English abstract]
呂宗學:原死因選擇準則改變對死因別死亡率趨勢分析的影響。台灣衛誌 2020;39:469-77。doi:10.6288/TJPH.202010_39(5).109040。 Lu TH. Effects of changes in underlying cause of death selection rules on the analysis of cause-specific mortality trends. Taiwan J Public Health 2020;39:469-77. doi:10.6288/TJPH.202010_39(5).109040. [In Chinese: English abstract]
呂宗學:台灣使用自動化編碼系統與國際疾病分類第十版對死因統計之影響:雙軌編碼研究。台灣衛誌 2020;39:578-97。doi:10.6288/TJPH.202010_39(5).109039。 Lu TH. Impact of automated coding system implementation based on ICD-10 on mortality statistics in Taiwan: a bridge coding study. Taiwan J Public Health 2020;39:578-97. doi:10.6288/TJPH.202010_39(5).109039. [In Chinese: English abstract]
Peeples L. Lessons from the COVID data wizards. Nature 2022;603:564-7. doi:10.1038/d41586-022-00792-2
Dasgupta N, Kapadia F. The future of the public health data dashboard. Am J Public Health 2022;112:886-8. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2022.306871
