  • 期刊


Relational Analysis between Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission of Service Sector in Taiwan




The aim of the study is to discuss the trend and relation analysis of energy consumption and carbon emission in Service Sector in Taiwan during 1982~2008 and their influence factors. First of all, Factor Analysis Divisia index is applied to find out the key factors that influence the emission trend. Finally, Decoupling Indicators are used to analyze the interaction between energy consumption, carbon emission and GDP in Service Sector. The outcome of Divisia index shows that the main factors that influence the increase in carbon emission are GDP and emission factor. The influence of GDP growth is the most significant followed by emission factor. Energy Intensity is the only decreasing factor. OECD Decoupling Indicator analysis shows that in terms of energy consumption vs. GDP and carbon emission vs. GDP, they are relative decoupling indicators during the last few years. It shows that the decoupling pattern is very good for the past years. Tapio Decoupling Indicator shows that in terms of energy consumption vs. GDP and carbon emission vs. GDP, they indicate a weak decoupling pattern. Looking at the Standard Deviation Pie, most of the values are outside of the Standard Deviation Pie which means most of values are larger than the standard deviation. There are still rooms for improvement for most of the values which indicate the effect of decoupling indicators for energy consumption and carbon emission is not very good. In view of the above, the energy consumption and carbon emission of Service Sector in Taiwan show an accelerating trend. Carbon emission decreasing measures and relative executive means should be aggressively promoted. The main carbon emission factor is electricity consumption. It is suggested to carry out energy conservation and increase energy efficiency. Therefore future Service Sector should be focused on sustainable development and carbon decreasing. The priority is to decrease the carbon emission due to electricity consumption. The improvement outcome should be an ideal effect.


