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A Review on the Development of Labor Studies in Taiwan


自從民國五十四年中國文化大學設立勞工研究所以來,勞工研究在大學教育中逐步建制化,目前除中國文化大學勞工關係系所以外,尚包括有政大勞工所、中央人資所、大葉工關系所、中正勞工關係系所、及中山人資所等六校。合計現有師生達2055名,其中包括大學部846名及研究所381名,並聘有43名專任師資及兼任57名師資,八十七學年度全學年計開授278門勞工研究專業科目,近三年內並共舉行了26次學術研討會,合計發表論文319篇,歷年合計畢業660名碩士,而國內勞工研究相關專長學者專家至少已達175名,且其中有157名(約90%)擁有博士學位,而國內勞工研究定期發行學術期刊已增至7項,相關雜誌也達32項,全年相關獎學金名額約達80名,全年獎助金額估計約達162萬元,同時歷年發表的期刊論文及博碩士論文亦在遞增中。上述指標顯示「勞工研究」客觀上已逐漸形成專業的學術社群,有其穩定的機制逐步擴充學術領域並深化研究議題,因此,在可預見的未來,透過更正式且有效率的專業學會推動整合,若能克服勞工研究領域內學科間整合的困難,並強化相關研究人力與教學人員對勞工研究的認同與互動,則「勞工研究」在台灣地區朝向獨立學門的目標應可期待。 本研究同時也發現各校碩士班開授課程重點與碩士論文主題間存在差異,而顯現出各校著重之特色確有不同,如就課程與碩士論文主題觀察,則中央人資所與中山人資所均強調人力資源管理為重點,文化勞工所與政大勞工所則相對較著重勞資關係類和勞動法規與政策類,至於中正勞工所則傾向社會科學學科間的均衡發展。本研究同時也發現勞工研究領域中女性研究生比率有逐年增加的趨勢,而研究生性別與校別、所別、及論文主題間亦存在顯著關連。


Since the Chinese Culture University established the first program on labor studies in 1965, there are already six undergraduate and graduate programs affiliated in the colleges of the Taiwan area. However, the statistics on the development of labor studies in Taiwan, in terms of numbers of alumni, faculty, student, journal, and even fellowships, have not been carefully examined. Also, the field of labor studies has not been considered as an independent discipline in the categories of academic field for both the National Science Council and Ministry of Education in Taiwan. This paper intends to collect and review the related indicators on the development of labor studies in Taiwan. Finally, the results indicate that so far there are 846 undergraduate students, 381 graduate students, and 43 full-time faculties in the six programs on labor studies. In the 1998 academic year, the labor studies community as a whole opened up 278 courses and sponsored 26 conferences in which 319 research papers were presented. Currently, there are 175 scholars whose research are related with issues of labor studies. Among them, 157 scholars (90%) receive Ph.D. degrees and mostly from the United States. Seven academic journals and 32 magazines on labor studies have been regularly published in Taiwan. Annually, 80 fellowships on labor studies were offered and the, total amount of these fellowships are around 1.6 millions. These indicators show that the field of labor studies in Taiwan is growing rapidly. We also find that the percentage of female graduate students in the field of labor studies have been increasing since 1973.
