  • 期刊

Solitary Primary Chest Wall Lymphoma-Report of a Case



原發性胸壁腫瘤並不常見,只佔所有的胸腔腫瘤之5%,而原發性胸壁淋巴癌又未合併其他區域之侵犯則相當少見,統計上只佔了原發性胸壁腫瘤的2.4%,並且幾乎都發生在50至60歲的年齡層。對於原發性淋巴癌之治療,該採手術廣泛性切除併胸壁重建或化學治療,何者有較佳之預後,目前仍無定論。 在此,我們介紹一個原發性胸壁淋巴癌的年輕女性,因考量手術切除併重建之破壞,將影響病患之身體機能及外觀,且化學治療也可能得到良好之療效,故採行化學治療。病患在完成6個M-CHOP的治療週期之後,已追蹤4年時間,腫瘤未再復發。


Primary chest wall lymphoma is a rare condition. We report a 32-year-old woman who developed an asymptomatic right chest wall mass. Chest computed tomography (CT) showed destruction of the right 8th rib, associated with a huge extra-osseous soft tissue mass (6×5 cm) in the right chest wall. CT-guided fine needle biopsy showed diffuse, large B-cell lymphoma. The patient received 6 courses of chemotherapy with M-CHOP (methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone) over the course of 3 months. A Tc-99m MDP (PET CT) after chemotherapy showed no Tc-99m MDP uptake throughout her body, including the prior tumor site. After about 4 years of follow-up, chest CT-imaging revealed no tumor recurrence. In our experience, chemotherapy alone may lead to total regression of the tumor, followed by a long period of disease-free survival. Chemotherapy should be considered as the initial therapy for patients with primary chest wall lymphoma. Partial or total regression of the tumor could make surgery easier, or avoidable.
