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When "the Eye of Reason" Blinks: The Landscapes-in-Movement in Harry Potter Series


本文以羅琳(J. K. Rowling)的《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)系列爲例說明,在奇幻文學中,所謂想像世界的地景,並不僅止於扮演襯托主角冒險故事的硬體或背景而已,而是與主角的感官運用方式及感知認識論高度相關的重要元素。在重視異時空接駁的奇幻文學之脈絡中,《哈利波特》的魔法世界相當特別的地方是,這個世界並非位於遙不可及的異次元中,而被設定爲與以「麻瓜」爲名的所謂「現實」世界並存,只是獨鐘於靜態視覺形象的人「看不見」。通往魔法世界之道即在於放棄以靜態視覺爲尊的體驗模式,將身體從「眼見爲憑」的預設立場與僵化規範中解放出來,重新啟動潛藏於各感官中無限的可能性。因此本系列特別能突顯出,所謂虛實世界間的地景差異未必是本質不同的結果,而是取決於其間視覺觀與身體詮釋的轉變。 大體而言,《哈利波特》中的麻瓜世界奠基於「正名」、「合理」爲要務的極端靜態視覺及相應而生的思維模式上。其地景充斥獨尊視覺將人事物「石化」後的靜態形象,「理性之眼」認爲異常的東西被斷然拒斥;意識中隱藏著越界恐懼,但未曾注意到時間的流動及形體的可變動性原就交織在他們精心規劃的「固定」空間的脈絡中。而魔法世界則存在於理性眨眼而不自知的瞬間,強調「眼見不爲憑」,呈現出一種變動不居的視覺經驗。其空間的肌理中更交織了碰觸(touch)所特有的時間性及毗連性,具現了時間的流動,並強調身體在變動地景中的碰撞接觸。最重要的是,這「兩種」世界並置於同一時空,魔法世界的地景是觀看方式改變後,在麻瓜世界中所開發出來的新面相。


I use J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series as an example to demonstrate that the landscapes of the so-called ”imaginary world” in fantasy literature do not simply serve as the background where the plots of the story unfold but rather are profoundly related to the way in which the leading characters utilize their senses to constitute the surroundings. In the tradition of fantasy literature, authors usually construct certain apparatus which acts as a linkage connecting the ”real” world to a space located in another spatiotemporal dimension. The magic world in Harry Potter Series is therefore prominent in the sense that it coexists with the Muggle world instead. Only those who discard the ocularcentric view and hence are able to trigger a wide range of bodily experiences will have access to the magical world. Harry Potter Series thus make explicit that the ”real” and ”fantasy” worlds are not necessarily different in essence; it is the way of seeing and experiencing the world that determines the shape of the surroundings. Generally speaking, the Muggle world in the Series relies exclusively on vision and accordingly the rigid structure organized by visual practices. ”The Eye of Reason” disputes any unassignable elements. Emphasizing the notions of the proper name and given properties, the landscape of the ”real” world is populated with perpetuated figures. The fear of boundary-transgression is so enormous that most Muggles deliberately ignore the flows of time and the flexibility of forms which have constituted an inevitable dimension of the mode of existence. The magic world, by contrast, emerges out of the blind spot of ”the Eye of Reason.” Its landscapes burst into life out of the very fabric of the ”real” world when the way of seeing changes. For the wizards and witches, seeing is not believing. The dynamics of touch penetrate into the flesh of the magic space in which the flows of time are embodied and the body experiences ambiguous transformations in contact.


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