  • 期刊


A Case Study of the History Curriculum as General Education in a University of Technology under the Education Reform in Taiwan


由於過去台灣技職教育過於偏重技能傳授,致無法培育健全並適應新時代變遷之專技人,因此此番技職教育改革重點之一為通識教育的強調。由於許多主客觀因素,技職體系通識教育的改革無法在短期內獲得立竿見影的成效。這些因素有源自教育決策機構的教改政策,也有來自個別學校過去的歷史包袱。其所衍生的結構性問題,盤根錯節,尤以師資與課程結構為然。 本文以南台科技大學歷史課程的實施為例,說明技職教育改革中通識教育所面臨的課程相關問題(如課程設計、教育目標設定、教材教法、教學效果評量等)、非關課程的結構性問題(如行政組織、師資結構提昇相關配套、學校軟硬體設施配置等),以及其他迂迴於兩者之問、互為因果的問題。結論中,對作為技職體系通識教育一環的歷史教育與通識教育本身的改革提出一些建議,以期解決問題,並有助於提昇技職體系歷史教育與通識教育之成效。


Over the past years, the objectives of technological and vocational education were so technique-oriented that most students were hardly capable of coping with the rapid changes of the new era. Thus, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan has recently mandated reforms in the general education curricula of technological and vocational schools as well as in colleges and universities. However, reform has been hindered by government administration, improper educational policies, and the individual problems of each school. This study looks at the teaching of history courses as part of the general education curriculum in Southern Taiwan University of Technology. Two issues are explored: one is related to individual course pedagogy (e.g. teaching objectives, curriculum design, instruction and materials, testing and assessment), while the other is administration-related (e.g. educational administration, the plan for promoting the quality of teaching faculties, and the improvement of teaching facilities). The findings showed that these two issues are strongly correlative. It is expected that empirical evidence will lead to some proposals for resolving these issues in order to increase the teaching effectiveness of history courses as part of the general education curriculum and of general education itself.


