  • 期刊


The Study of Objective Identification Tendency of Elementary School Physical Education Teachers


本研究主要目的,在於瞭解小學體育教師對體育目標認同順位與目標構面認同的情形,並進一步探討其個人因素、外在情境因素對體育目標認同傾向的影響。研究對象為兼顧性別、教育背景、服務地區之差異,而進行立意取樣的十六位小學體育教師,至於研究方法,則採用Q分類與訪談的方式實施。研究結果經資料分析與處理後,得到以下結論: (一)小學體育教師之體育目標認同高順位前五名位序為:維持健康體適能、具備日常生活所需的體適能、促進身心均衡發展、加強身體適應能力、建立規律運動的習慣、體驗運動樂趣;而低順位則為:瞭解體育與運動的歷史發展、瞭解本土的運動文化、瞭解體育的意義、具備領導同儕的能力、有效控制運動時宜。 (二)小學體育教師對五個體育目標構面的認同,依序為體適能、運動習慣、社會行為、運動技能、體育認知。 (三)受訪教師中約62.5%認為教育背景是影響一位體育教師對體育目標認同最重要的因素,其次為性別,而服務地區的影響最小。 以上之所獲結果,可供國小體育教師、教育機關、師資培育機構、未來研究者參考。


The main purpose of this research was to examine the precedence of the identification tendency to the objective of physical education and the situation of objective identification interfaces of elementary school physical education teachers. In addition, to explore the influence of personal elements and external conditions on the identification tendency of the objective of physical education. The participants were sixteen elementary school physical education teachers (8 males and 8 females) with different educational background and service regions. Q-sorting and in-depth interviews were applied as research methods. The findings of this research were as follows (1) The top five precedence of the identification tendency to the objective of physical education of elementary school physical education teachers were maintain health and physical fitness, equip with suitable physical fitness for day-to-day living, promote a balanced physical and mental development, enhance physical adaptation ability, establish a habit of regular exercising, experience the fun of sports. (2) The top five objective identification interfaces of elementary school physical education teachers were physical fitness, sports habit, social behavior, psychomotor, and sports cognition. (3) Sixty-two and one-half percent of the teachers interviewed believed that educational background was the most important issue in a physical teacher’s identification on the objective of physical education, followed by gender, while service region had the least amount of influence. The above findings may be used as future references for elementary school physical education teachers, educational and administrative bodies, and teacher’s training organizations.


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