  • 期刊


Revising Four Dimension Achievement Goal Questionnaire for Sport and the Verification of Construct Validity


目的:本研究在修正2 × 2競技運動成就目標量表,利用兩組獨立樣本,以探索性和驗證性因素分析檢定其因素效度,另外,本研究也依據趨近-逃避成就動機階層模式,檢定2 × 2競技運動成就目標量表修正版的預測效度。方法:本研究徵募358名運動選手為研究對象,採用探索性和驗證性的因素分析以及多元同時迴歸分析資料。結果:發現2 × 2競技運動成就目標量表修正版具有良好的因素效度,其適配程度高於其它競爭模式。害怕失敗正向預測精熟逃避目標、表現逃避目標、表現趨近目標。能力知覺正向預測表現趨近目標、精熟趨近目標和精熟逃避目標。不同於表現逃避目標是運動表現的負向預測者,精熟趨近目標、精熟逃避目標和表現趨近目標皆正向預測運動表現,其中精熟趨近目標還能正向預測主觀活力。結論:2 × 2競技運動成就目標量表修正版是一份具有心理計量品質的問卷,適用於測量運動選手在多元成就目標上的採用情形。


Purpose: This study aimed to revise 2 × 2 achievement goal questionnaire for sport, AGQS, via two independent samples using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Also, this study was to examine the predictive validity of revised 2 × 2 AGQS according to Elliot's approach-avoidance achievement goal model (1999; 2005). Methods: Three hundred fifty eight Taiwanese sport athletes were recruited. Main analyses were explore and confirmatory factor analyses and multiple simultaneous regression analysis. Results: The factorial validity of Revised 2 × 2 AGQS was demonstrated as good and the 2 × 2 model was fitter than other alternative models. Fear of failure positively predicted mastery-avoidance, performance-avoidance, and performance-approach goals. Perceived competence positively predicted performance-approach, mastery-approach and mastery-avoidance goals. Unlike performance-avoidance goals as the negative predictors of performance in sports, mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, and performance-approach goals were positive predictors. For subjective vitality, mastery-approach goals were also positive predictors. Conclusion: According to these results, revised 2 × 2 AGQS had a good psychometric property and was suitable to measure the adoption of athletes' achievement goals.


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