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To Explore the Role Motivational Climate Play in University Physical Education Classes: Mediator or Moderator?




Purpose: This study purpose was to examine the influence of PE motivation on PE motivation, satisfaction, perceived competence and sport behavior in physical education classes and furthermore to examine the motivational climate effect of mediating and moderating. Methods: Participants were 288 students (114 male, 159 female, 15 did not provide gender) who enrolled in physical education classes from a university in Taiwan midst. The participants were asked to complete questionnaires that assess PE motivation in the semester star and motivational climate, sport competence, PE satisfaction and sport behavior in the semester end. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to examine the mediate and moderate effect of motivational climate. Results: Initial PE motivation was directly and indirectly through mastery climate to influence perception of sport competence, final PE motivation and PE satisfaction. Mastery climate was almost complete mediating on initial PE motivation influenced PE satisfaction. Motivational climate moderated the relationship between initial PE motivation and PE satisfaction, final PE motivation. The students both high and low self-determination PE motivation who perceived mastery climate had more PE satisfaction and final PE motivation than perceived performance climate. Conclusions: Motivational climate play as mediator and moderator on motivational process in physical education class.


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