  • 期刊


Association of Shift-time Schedule with Sleep Quality, Bio-psychological Health, and Family Function among Taiwanese Nurses


全世界對輪班人口的需求正逐年增加中,二十四小時的輪班制度對工作人員的健康效應,早在多年前便受到國外學者的重視並已有諸多相關的研究探討,反觀國內的相關研究資料仍闕如。因此本研究的目的為調查輪班對國內護理人員的睡眠品質、身心健康和家庭功能之影響。 本橫斷性研究以高雄縣市20-45歲的護理人員為研究對象,調查時間自2005年8月3日至月日止,採用自填式問卷,實際資料分析共,467份。本研究依工作時間型態分成典型工時、非典型工時但不輪大夜班及非典型工時且輪大夜班三組,進行此三組對睡眠品質、睡眠時數、自覺身心健康和家庭功能之統計分析。分析結果顯示典型工時人員平均年齡最長且最資深,已婚或曾結婚有小孩佔60.3%;非典型工時且需輪大夜班者最年輕且人數最多(56.0%),未婚或曾結婚且無小孩者佔63.%。在調整干擾因子後,發現三組在睡眠品質、睡眠時數、自覺身心健康和家庭功能上皆達顯著意義;以匹茲堡睡眠品質量表得分大於5分定義睡眠品質不良,非典型工時且需輪大夜班比典型工時在發生睡眠品質不良上有較高的勝算比(OR=2.26,95%CI:.58~3.22);以家庭功能得分未達7分定義家庭功能出現障礙時,非典型工時但不需輪大夜班者比典型工時在家庭功能不良上有較高的勝算比(OR=1.62, 95%CI:1.15~2.29)。 根據本研究結果發現從事非典型輪班工作的護理人員在睡眠品質、身心健康及家庭功能比典型工時的護理人員差。未來應研究如何在輪班制度設計上調整以及施行其他可能的措施,以進一步降低非典型輪班工作的不良衝擊。


An increasing number of people are working on shift-time schedules in spite of the fact that the adverse health effects of shift work have been reported for decades in other countries. Few studies, however, have evaluated its impact in the Taiwanese population. Therefore, the goal of this study is to investigate the effect of shift-time work on the quality of sleep, bio-psychological health, and family function among Taiwanese nurses. A total of 467 nurses aged 20-45 years in Kaohsiung city and county answered a self-administrated questionnaire between August 31 and November 1, 2005. The study subjects were divided into three groups based on their working schedules: regular schedule, shift-time schedule without overnight shift, and shift-time schedule with overnight shift. Quality of sleep, measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), bio-psychological health, measured by the Chinese Health Questionnaire-2 (CHQ-2), and family function, measured by the Family APGAR score, were compared among these three groups. Nurses working on day shift were older and had more work experience than the other two groups, and a higher proportion of them were married and had children (60.3%). Those with an overnight shift, on the other hand, were the youngest, and the highest proportion them were unmarried and had no children (63.%). After adjusting for potential confounding factors, there were still significant differences in the quality of sleep, bio-psychological health, and family function among these three groups. Compared to nurses with a regular schedule, those with an overnight shift were at a significantly higher risk for poor quality of sleep (PSQI>5) with an odds ratio of 2.26 (95% CI:1.58~3.22) and those on a shift-time schedule without an overnight shift work were at significantly higher risk of family dysfunction (family APGAR score<7) with an odds ratio of 1.62(95% CI:1.15~2.29). Shift-time work is associated with poor quality of sleep and bio-psychological health as well as family dysfunction in nurses. To ameliorate the negative impacts of shift-time work, further study on the application of healthier shift-work systems is needed.


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