  • 期刊


Investigation of Vaccination and Social Economic Background in Poliomyelitis


本研究利用民國七十一年小兒麻痺大流行罹患者中共有600名的資料進行分析,以了解其預防疫苗接種情形、社會背景及治療方法。 結果發現此次小兒麻痺病患在發生年齡上較以往稍年長。小兒麻痺預防接種次數愈多,似乎發病機會較低。但完成4次接種者亦有20例仍然得病,佔3.3%。 小兒麻痺病患來自低階層家庭最多,中階層次之,而高階層最少。由此可見經濟富裕、教育程度提高、能勸導父母主動讓孩子接受疫苗接種,不要因發病率降低即掉以輕心,才能有效地預防小兒麻痺的流行。




Six hundred cases of poliomyelitis during the last burst out episode in Taiwan of 1982 were analysed. The age distributions of them were very young in majority, 267 cases were below 1 year old (44.5%), 108cases were 1 year old (18.0%), 67 cases were 2 years old (11.2%). Among them, 253 cases were never received any polio vaccination (42.2%), 186 cases only received vaccination for one time (31.0%), 72 cases received twice (12.0%), 52 cases received 3 times (8.7%), only 20 cases accept complete 4 times vaccination (3.3%). Another 17cases were unsure whether received this vaccination or not (2.8%). It was obvious that most of them were from the lower social economic family (445 cases, 78.8%), 124 cases (20.7%) were form from middle class, only 3 cases (0.5%) were from the upper class. How to convince the lower social economic family to receive complete vaccination program for every child is still very important and difficult especially when this infection had been under controlled for a long period of time. But it is the only one effective way in the prevent ion of burst out tragedy.
