  • 期刊

Sexual Activities of Stroke Patients: A Clinical Study



腦中風病患常有行動不便,活動量減少,工作能力喪失,因而常伴有憂鬱,自卑等情緒反應,部份患者甚至需依賴長期藥物治療,以上種種情形是否影響性活動,至今在國內甚少有研究報告。 本研究原擬以問卷調查方式探討出院半年後腦中風病患的性活動情況,結果收不到任何回函,而改由門診時與病人面談方式取得資料加以分析。本研究共收集腦中風病患55例。其中男性38人(69.1%),女姓17人(30.9%)。年齡24-81歲,平均58.6±9.6歲。病人自腦中風發生後半年至11年不等。 結果顯示在腦中風後,即沒有任何性活動者佔多數,共35人(63.6%)。其中男性24位,女性11位,平均年齡為61.4±7.2歲。在所有病患當中,最主要理由為懼怕影響健康共20位(男,58.3%;女,54.5%),而完全沒性慾者僅佔4位(男,12.5%;女,9.1%)。至於在男性病人方面,除前述懼怕健康受影響外,其它原因導致無性活動為陰莖無法勃起5位(20.8%),配偶已死亡及高齡(81歲)因素各佔1位(4.2%)。而在女性病人中,喪失配偶為導致無性活動第二大原因,計有4位(36.4%)。 腦中風後仍有性活動者共20位(36.4%)。其中男性14位,女性6位,平均年齡53.5±11.4歲。在中風後以在第4個月重新開始性活動者佔最多數共8人(40%)。性慾減低者有13人(65%),其中3人表示有明顯降低情形;性慾未改變者7人(35%)。性頻率方面,在30天或以上才行房者共15人(75%)。在性活動後認為對身體健康有影響者高達16人(80%)。 在年齡方面,腦中風後仍有性行為病患組的平均年齡低於無性行為組,尤其在男性方面,達到統計學上的顯著差異,而女性組則未達顯著差別。 因此,腦中風病人在發病後,明顯有性活動減退現象。除與年齡或健康情形有關外,認為性活動對身體健康有損的錯誤觀念,亦是重要因素,值得重視。




The clinical features of sexual activity of stroke patients were studies and reported in 55patients(38 males.17 females) through interview at out-patient service/The mean age of all patients was 58.6± 9.6 years. Duration after stroke ranged from 6 months to 11 years. Among them,35 patients(63.6%) reported no sexual activity while20 patients (36.4%) still had sexual activity. In the sexually inactive group (24 males, 11 females), the mean age was 61.4 ± 7.2 years. The major cause for sexual inactivity was fear of further harm to their health in 20 patients (57.1%). In the sexually active group (14 males,6 females),their mean age was 53.5 ± 11.4 years. Most patients(40%) resumed sexual activity by the fourth month after onset of stroke. Diminished libido was present in 13 patients (65%), three of them with obvious decline; while the other seven (35%) did not show any change in libido. Coital frequency in this group decreased in 15 patients(75%) and the interval lengthened to 30 days or more. Even in the sexually active group, fear of adverse effect after sexual activity was reported by 16 patients(80%). With regard to age, the mean age for sexually active group was significantly lower than that of the inactive group and the significant difference was also observed between the sexually active and inactive male patients. However no such statistical difference could be found between these twogroups of the female patients. Sex of patients, type of CVA and motor ability after stroke were found to have no effect on sexual activity. Sex education or counselling to provide patients proper sexual attitude in order to achieve a more satisfactory quality of life after stroke will also be emphasized in our rehabilitation programs.


CVA sexual activity rehabitilitation
