  • 期刊


Low Power Laser in the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome



「腕隧道症候群」為臨床上相當常見的神經壓迫症候群,傳統治療方法中,除手術療法外,還有保守療法,如口服消炎鎮痛藥物,維生素B的補充,局部類固醇注射或腕部護木固定等,但療效並不十分理想,近年來低能量雷治療已被醫界應用於疼痛之治療,因而嚐試以低能量雷射來治療腕隧道症候群的患者。 本研究為民國82年1月至12月間,對以臨床症狀、理學檢查,並經電學檢查證實為腕隧道症候群之患者共32名,施以低能量雷射治療12週(共36次)後,觀其療效。 結果顯示於主觀症狀中,麻木感由原先之30名(94%)降低至16名(50%),疼痛感由原先之7名(22%)降低至2名(7%),夜間不適由原先之12名(40%)降低至5名(15%),理學檢查中之Tinel's sign由16名(50%)降至5名(15%)。Phalen's test 陽性者由10名(31%)降至9名(28%);除Phalen's test外,均達統計學上的意義,而於電學檢查之各參數,包括遠端運動傳導潛期,遠端感覺神經潛期,複合肌肉電位波振幅,感覺神經電位波振幅,遠端感覺神經傳導速度,近端運動神經傳導速度均呈現好轉的傾向,但未達統計學上的意義。所有病患於治療期間及治療後3個月之追蹤並未發現明顯之副作用。


32 subjects were enrolled in this study, all were diagnosed by clinical symptoms and signs and showed electrophysiological evidence of carpal tunnel syndrome. Low power laser treatment were applied to these subjects for 12 weeks(36 sessions). The results revealed the number of subjects with (1)numbness sensation decreased from 30(94%) to 16(50%)(2)pain sensation decreased from 7(22%) to 2 (7%) (3)night discomfort from 12(40%) decreased to 5(15%) (4) Tinel's sign decreased from 16(50%) to 5 (15%) (5) positive Phalen's test decreased from 10( 31%) to 9(28%); all except Phalen's test revealed statistical significance. In the part of electrophysiological study, (1) distal motor latency, (2)distal sensory latency (3)amplitude of compound muscle action potential, (4) amplitude of sensory nerve action potential; (5) distal sensory conduction velocity, (6) proximal motor conduction velocity, were used as parameters. Comparison of these parameters, before and after low power laser treatment, all revealed the tendency of improvement, but not significant in statistics. No obvious side effect was detected in all patients during treatment and 3 months follow-up period.
