  • 期刊


The Changes of Femoral Artery Harmonics in Hypoxia:An Animal Study



利用非侵襲性的方法以監控慢性阻塞性肺疾患者運動時之肺動脈壓,可以減少此類患者因運動時缺氧所造成之肺動脈壓上升,減少其右心合併症。本研究是利用動物實驗來偵測肺部缺氧時,其週邊動脈之脈壓差變化及頻譜改變。 共有10隻兔子接受股動脈的導管置入,利用含10%二氧化碳之混合氣體造成兔子缺氧狀況,使兔子之血氧飽和度由95%降至90%以下,並記錄其股動脈之平均脈壓、脈壓差及頻譜變化。結果發現,在缺氧時兔子之平均股動脈壓由68.3 ±6.2 mm Hg升至73.5 ± 7.1 mm Hg ( p=0.04 ),而其平均脈壓差由8.4 ± 1.2 mm Hg升至13.6 ± 1.1 mm Hg ( p=0.0024 )具統計學上差異。10隻兔子中有8隻兔子於缺氧時其股動脈頻譜分析可見高頻率頻譜所佔比例增加。由此推知,兔子於肺部缺氧時,會有股動脈壓上升、脈壓差上升,及頻譜往高頻轉移的現象。


肺高血壓 頻譜 缺氧 運動


Using the non-invasive method to monitor the pulmonary artery pressure in the exercise training program of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients might reduce the incidence of cardiac complication from the pulmonary hypertension and hypoxia. The purpose of this study was to detect the femoral artery pulse pressure and its harmonic changes of the rabbits in the hypoxia status. Ten rabbits underwent the femoral artery catherization for detecting their femoral artery pressure and their harmonics. Ten percent carbon dioxide mixed gas was inhaled to reduce the oxygen saturation of the rabbits from 95 % to 90% or lower. The mean femoral artery pressure, pulse pressure, and its harmonics before and after the hypoxia were recorded and analyzed. The result showed that the mean femoral artery pressure of the rabbits increased from 68.3± 6.2 mm Hg to 73.5±7.1 mm Hg (P= 0.04) when hypoxia and the mean pulse pressure elevated from 8.4 ± 1.2 mm Hg to 13.6 ± 1.1 mm Hg (p=0.0024) with statistically significant difference. Eight of the ten rabbits had transferred their harmonics from the low frequency to high frequency during hypoxia. We concluded that the rabbits mean femoral artery pressure and pulse pressure would rise during hypoxia, and its harmonics may shift from the low frequary to the high frequency.


pulmonary hypertension harmonics hypoxia exercise
