  • 期刊


Customized Chair Insert-Type Sitting Support Orthosis for Children with Physical Disability



一般巿面上販售的輪椅或坐椅無法滿足重度肢障兒童個別的需求,本篇文章的目的是在嘗試發展出為他們量身訂做坐椅嵌入型坐姿支撐支架,希望對這些兒童坐姿的維持有所幫助。 利用真空抽氣固型的原理,我們在一塊Versa Form上鑄模出小朋友的身體外型,再用加熱軟化的AquaplastTM使其密合於Versa Form的內面,得到一與小朋友身體外型吻合的粗模。根據小朋友特殊的需求分別就坐墊、背靠及頭靠三部分做修整,待整個粗模修整成我們所預期的樣子,將此一粗模外包一層錫箔紙,將另一片加熱軟化的AquaplastTM覆在其上,待其冷卻硬化後,此支架外型即大略完成。我們在第二片AquaplastTM的下緣預留約15公分,將其加熱反摺,與坐墊處形成如一ㄈ字型,可以卡在任何方型坐椅上不會滑脫。為了讓此支架能夠通風透氣,除了選用有洞的AquaplastTM為支架的材料外,襯墊的黏貼則用條狀的PlastazoneR。最後視小朋友的需要加上其他的配件如U型帶、骨盆支撐帶(pelvic strap)等等。至此這個量身訂做坐椅嵌入型姿勢支撐支架便告完成。 此坐椅嵌入型坐姿支撐支架製作簡單,可由臨床治療人員獨立製作完成,攜帶方便,可放在任何坐椅基座上,但不耐高溫,只適用於上身加大腿長小於100公分、臀寬不超過60公分、體重小於30公斤的小朋友。


For children with severely physical disability, carefully devised sitting aid is necessary. Since each child has his own problems, the solution should be individualized. The supporting seat usually cannot be obtained from the standardized wheelchair and their accessories. We, therefore, decided to develop a customized chair insert-type sitting support orthosis. The fabrication technique is based on vacuum consolidation. The child was prone on a wedge. A bead bag (Versa Form) covered dorsally from head to thigh. A negative mold was obtained by vaccum consolidation technique, and the resulting impression was recorded by using AquaplastTM. Then we obtained a rough orthosis, the surface defects and position inadequacies were remedied by putty or manual correction. If the mold was satisfactory, it will be covered with another piece of AquaplastTM to create the final sitting support orthosis. Due to the hot and moist weather in Kaohsiung city, the orthosis was covered with strips of PlastazoneR as cushion. Finally, we also used “U” strap for chest support for those children who were not able to maintain an upright position against gravity for expanded periods of time. Other accessories, such as pelvic belt, lumbar rod, were added depend on the requirements of dildren. There are several advantages of using this orthosis, such as the clinician can make it in their own treatment facilities and this orthosis can be supplied rapidly. It is also easily portable, and can be put on a variety of seating bases. However, the orthosis is sensitive to heat and can only be applied to the child whose height from head to knee is below 100cm, the width of buttock is below 60cm and the body weight is under 30kg.
