  • 期刊


Therapeutic Effect of Air-Jet Therapy in Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: A Preliminary Report


淋巴水腫是乳癌患者在癌症治療後長期的併發症之一,伴隨著手臂腫賬笨重感、心理壓力、受限制的活動與感染的危險。目前的治療方法主要為綜合物理治療、徒手按摩淋巴引流、氣壓幫浦與加壓繃帶包紮。本研究將氣體按摩應用於淋巴水腫的治療,藉著氣體按摩治療達成淋巴引流的目的,以改善淋巴水腫,並評估日常生活功能的改善。 本研究共收集11位乳癌相關之淋巴水腫患者(breast cancer-related lymphedema)。患者均為乳房切除及腋下淋巴節切除後併發之上肢淋巴水腫,並且接受過傳統的治療方式。我們應用壓縮空氣以向心方向按摩患肢,進行每週三次,每次30分鐘,持續兩週的治療,接著觀察兩週。每週測量尺骨鷹嘴突上下10公分以及15公分處的臂圍,計算患側與健側的差距,比較治療前後的差異,並評估麻木感、肩關節功能與治療滿意度。 臂圍在噴射氣療一週後有縮小,並達到統計學上的意義(p=0.020),第二週仍保持相當的療效(p=0.030);停止治療後,效果並不能持續。在治療期間除了臂圍減小之外,同時也改善肩關節功能並降低疼痛麻木感,病人對治療效果感到滿意。噴射氣療對於乳癌合併淋巴水腫的病患提供一個新的治療選擇。


噴射氣療 淋巴水腫 乳癌


Lymphedema is a common sequela of breast cancer therapy. The decreased arm function with swelling, pain, numbness, and a limited range of motion, is associated with a psychological distress that affects the quality of life. There is no cure for breast cancer-related lymphedema. Complex physical therapy is currently the mainstream of therapy, combined with manual lymphatic drainage, pneumatic compression pumps and compression bandaging. The purpose of this study is to evaluate compressed air therapy as a new approach to lymphedema management. Eleven women with breast cancer-related arm lymphedema were recruited into the study. Air-jet therapy was performed to massage limb in a central direction. The protocol of therapy was once every 30 minutes, three times a week for two weeks, and then observation for two more weeks. Circumferential measurements were taken at 10 cm and 15cm proximal and distal to the ulnar olecranon. We calculated the percent difference of the bilateral arms and the percent reduction in circumference of the edematous arm. Numbness, shoulder/arm function, and satisfaction with the therapy were also evaluated. The circumference of the affected arm decreased after one week of air-jet therapy (p=0.020), but the therapeutic effect did not remain after discontinuing the therapy. In addition, the air massage improved the shoulder/arm function and decreased the numbness sensation. Air-jet therapy is a new method for breast cancer-related lymphedema patients.


air-jet therapy lymphedema breast cancer
