  • 期刊


Mirror Writing after Left Anterior Cerebral Artery Infarction: A Case Report


鏡像書寫(mirror writing)是寫出字型正確但左右方向完全相反的文字、數字或字母,在腦中風的臨床症狀上並不常被描述到。本病例報告一位67歲的男性病人,慣用左手,但以右手寫字,因突發性右側肢體無力至本院求診。腦部電腦斷層及核磁共振掃描均顯示為左側前大腦動脈急性梗塞造成左側額葉扣帶腦回區(cingulate gyrus)及胼胝體(corpus callousm)的病灶,病患右側肢體無力的現象經復健後逐漸改善。但在復健過程中偶然間發現病患以左手書寫國字及阿拉伯數字時會明顯出現鏡像書寫的情形,右手書寫時則不會產生,這種情況隨著中風的恢復越來越不明顯,三個月後完全消失。本文描述其臨床表現並針對鏡像書寫的相關文獻記載做討論。


Mirror writing is characterized by the writing of alphanumeric characters in the direction opposite to normal. It has been reported infrequently in patients with stroke. We present a 67-year-old male patient who is left-handed but writes with his right hand. He developed sudden onset of right side weakness. CT scan and MRI both revealed acute left anterior cerebral artery infarction involving cingulated gyrus and corpus callosum. His right side weakness gradually improved after rehabilitation. Mirror writing was found when he wrote with his left hand but not with his right hand. The frequency of his mirror writing gradually dropped and finally disappeared in 3 months. The clinical manifestations are described and the case compared with previous reports.
