  • 期刊

The Effect of a New Gelatinous Elastomers Cushion on Reducing Pressure and Temperature



目的:本研究探討新型固態矽膠墊對臀部減壓及降溫之效果。 方法:本研究收集市場上常見之木椅、布面沙發椅、塑膠布面沙發椅及真皮沙發椅等座椅以及常見之減壓座墊包括海綿墊、ROHO氣墊、流體力學膠體墊及新型固態矽膠墊等椅墊,測量臀部受壓處壓力分佈、三次最大壓力和平均最大壓力,以及在22℃環境室溫下連續8小時測量臀部受壓處溫度及時間變化曲線。 結果:結果顯示常用之具海綿墊之沙發椅均可減少臀部壓力,但臀部的溫度均較高。固態類矽膠墊平均最大壓力少爲39.7 mmHg,減壓效果最佳,其次是海綿墊及流體力學膠體墊,平均最大壓力爲60.3mmHg,ROHO氣墊平均最大壓力爲69.3 mmHg,減壓效果尚可。但海綿墊及ROHO氣墊,臀部溫度會快速達到35℃以上,會有不舒服的感覺。就溫度觀點而言,固態類矽膠墊溫度至29℃上昇不高表現較佳,其次是流體力學膠體墊溫度至33.8℃,ROHO氣墊溫度至35℃。 結論:就壓力和溫度雙方面的觀點,新型固態類矽膠墊在壓力及溫度的表現佳,提供適度的降低壓力及穩定的溫度,爲適當的座墊選擇。


Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of a new air cell cushion (Elaston cushion) made of gelatinous elastomers, a newly developed material with a novel structure on reducing pressure and temperature. Methods: We compared the pressure and thermal responses of the Elastone cushion to three other available cushions (foam, gel-filled and air-filled villous) and four regular wooden or spongy chair seats. The skin temperature at the buttocks was also continuously measured for eight-hours sitting. Results: The Elastone cushion reduced the peak pressure (39.7 mmHg) compared with foam (60.0 mmHg), gel-filled (60.3 mmHg) and air-filled cushions (69.3 mmHg), as well as with the wooden and spongy chair seats (84.7 to 200 mmHg). The peak temperature with the Elastone cushion was 29℃. Higher temperatures were found with the gel-filled (33.8℃), air-filled (35℃) and foam (35.9℃) cushions, as well as with the wooden and spongy chair seats (34.5 to 35.9℃). Conclusion: Our findings clearly showed that the Elastone cushion was more advantageous in relieving pressure and minimizing temperature.
