  • 期刊


Review the Characteristic of the Consumption of the Leisure in Taiwanese with the Theories of the Leisure Behavior


雖然休閒產業似乎是台灣近年來不景氣經濟中少數被一般大眾或政府所看好的產業之一。但事實上,台灣之休閒產業不管在實際發展或學理的討論上都與成熟階段尚有一段距離。基於這樣的背景了解,故本文主要是在理論與實際的鴻溝中尋找一切入點:本文乃是從人們的基本休閒行為(理論)開始,企圖去解讀休閒市場之不同型態消費者的可能欲求心理與趨勢,檢視台灣現今和未來之休閒產業消費是否較符合那些休閒行為理論? 所謂「消費特性」,則主要以不同消費者之行為與類型作為探討模式,前者包括如所得、職業、年齡、社經階層、家庭背景等;後者則包括如產權形式、產品市場區隔、季節性等來作分類說明。希望透過這種基本學術型式的討論,可對於未來台灣休閒產業之經營走向與方針提供一些系統的認知與建議。


This study focuses on the consumption characteristic of leisure industry in Taiwan. In the research, we had discussed the theories of basic leisure behavior of people, and then, reviewed the different type consumer of the leisure market. The last, we examine that whether the leisure consumption in Taiwan at present and in the future industry consumption will match the theories of leisure behaviors? In the text, ”the characteristic of consume” means the behavior to point different consumers, and consumption types: the former includes as the income, occupation, age, social status, and the background of family; The latter then include to be wait formed to make the elucidation of the classification as the ownership of property form, product market compartment and seasonal. We hope through textual discussion, can provide some cognition and suggestion for future management of the leisure industry.


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