  • 期刊

Study on Push and Pull Factors of Selecting the Cruise Tours



本研究之目的乃針對在台灣具有新興導入性質之遊輪旅遊產品,嘗試應用Turnbull and Uysal (1995)提出之「推拉力因素」理論,進行旅客選定遊輪旅遊動機之研究。研究人員在兩艘經【貝里茲遊輪指南】(Ward,2001)評定四星級遊輪上發放300份問卷調查,問卷回收率為83% (n=250)。 根據1999觀光旅遊年鑑統計指出,世界遊輪旅遊市場在90年代每年平均都有約10%的成長,值此世界遊輪市場蓬勃發展同時,如欲建立更加全面之市場定位與行銷策略,實有必要進行更為廣泛之研究。本研究除以前述旅遊動機推拉力因素理論之外,並進行諸如LSD檢定、單因子變異數分析方法,以檢測不同旅客人口統計屬性,可能產生不同旅遊動機。 研究結果發現旅客選擇遊輪旅遊,最主要之兩大動機推力因素,分別為「完全放鬆身心」及「遠離日常壓力」。最主要之動機拉力因素,計有「定點旅遊最輕鬆」、「大自然景物多變」以及「同一旅程訪多國」等三大選項。本研究同時針對東西方不同文化背景旅客,進行遊輪旅遊動機之差異探討。最後建議有待未來進一步研究,以補本研究之不足。


The purpose of this study was to examine the tourist motivation of selecting the cruise tours, a push- and pull-factor theory (Turnbull and Uysal, 1995) was employed, focus on the newly-entered cruise market in Taiwan. 300 questionnaires were distributed to those who went aboard two cruise ships rated as 4-star cruise by The Berlitz Complete Guide to Cruising and Cruise Ships 2000 (Ward, 2001). The response rate was 83% (n=250). Travel and Tourism Intelligence Statistics showed that there has had at least 10% growth annually in the cruise industry during the 1990s, whereas the cruise industry grows, it is imperative that more efforts should be made to properly identify the marketing position before further promoting the cruise tours product. A push- and pull-factor theory, a sample LSD test and an one-way ANOVA analysis were employed to exam the influences caused by the respondents' socio-demographic characteristics. Relaxation and escape from pressure were the two main push factors of motivation perceived by most of the respondents, while having a fixed stateroom, oceanic scenery, and various attractions were named the top three pull factors for them to select a cruise tour. The relationships between the cultural differences and traveling motivations were also discussed. In order to provide functional suggestions for marketing the cruise, a recommendation is made for future research.


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