  • 期刊


Selecting Reflective Measurement Models or Formative Measurement Models? A Case Study of Specifying the Construct of Customer Engagement Behavior on Social Media




The development of information and communication technology fosters customer engagement on social media. In this study, customer engagement refers to the behavioral manifestation from customers toward restaurants' Facebook fan pages beyond the purchasing behavior. The purpose of this study was to propose an alternative model specification for better conceptualizing the definition of customer engagement (CE) construct, to discuss the theoretical justification of the model, and to investigate the differences between the formative measurement model (FMM) and reflective measurement model (RMM). The proposed model was elaborated as a formative construct based on theoretical contexts and observational data. The construct comprised seven formative first-order dimensions, namely "influencing behaviors," "participation in activities," "customer knowledge sharing," "feedbacks," "helping other customers," "customer-to-customer interaction," and "browsing" with a good external validity. Compared with the estimation results of FMM, those from RMM were likely to be the outcome of model misspecification. The research findings provided a better understanding on choosing measurement models. Finally, suggestions for future research are discussed.


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