  • 期刊


The Study of Web-Based Teacher Evaluation Portfolio System in Hualien University of Education


本研究旨在依據「花蓮教育大學教師教學服務成績評分標準表」之評審內容與標準,建立網路化「教師評鑑檔案系統」,評估系統之使用性與成效。研究方法以個案研究法、系統開發法、及捷思評估法為主。研究對象為花蓮教育大學,資料蒐集方式有問卷調查、系統開發紀錄文件與經驗分享報告三種;系統開發方式則依循ADDIE 模式,透過捷思評估法評鑑系統之使用性。 研究之主要成果與發現如下:1.教師評鑑檔案系統依照使用者身份,分為教師子系統、評審子系統與管理子系統;2.教師評鑑檔案系統具備教師檔案管理(教師端)、教師自我評鑑、評審線上評鑑、教師檔案管理(管理端)、評鑑歷程管理、評鑑結果列印、身份驗證等七種功能模組;3.使用者對教師評鑑檔案系統之使用性持正面滿意態度;4.專家與使用者均對系統成效持樂觀同意的態度,認為系統能對個人與學校產生正面的影響。 最後整合專家與使用者之評估意見、以及研究者本身之發展心得,提出建議,做為日後本校或有關單位規劃教師評鑑資訊系統之參考。本研究之主要建議如後:1.調整開發模式歷程,持續系統修正回饋;2.強化系統硬體環境,因應長期普及使用;3.擴充系統功能模組,提高系統生命週期;4.提供教育訓練研習,瞭解系統使用方式。


The study aimed to build web-based ”Teacher Evaluation Portfolio System” and to estimate the usability and effectiveness of the system based on ”Teachers' Teaching Service Achievement Assessment Standard Form in National Hualien University of Education”. The methodologies are case study, system development and heuristic evaluation. The subject of this study is National Hualien University. The methods to collect data are questionnaire, documents of the system development, and the experience reports. The main research conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. According to the usage, ”Teacher Evaluation Portfolio System” can be divided into subsystem for teachers, subsystem for evaluators, and subsystem for administration. 2. ”Teacher Evaluation Portfolio System” includes seven function modules: portfolio management for teachers, self evaluation for teachers, on-line evaluation for evaluators, portfolio management for administration, management of the process of the teacher evaluation, results printing of the teacher evaluation, and identity verification. 3. The attitude of the users toward the usage of ”Teacher Evaluation Portfolio System” is affirmative. 4. The attitude of the experts and the users toward the system is also affirmative. They also think the system can affect individuals and school positively. The suggestions integrated with the experts' opinions, the users' feedback, and the researches are as follows: 1. To adjust system development model and keep revising feedback system. 2. To enhance the hardware environment for the long-term usage. 3. To expand function module and improve the system life cycle. 4. To provide seminar for education training and understand the usage of the system.
