  • 期刊


Analyzing the Facial Skin Colour of the People within the Area of Taipei Using the Specification of Colour Physics



表現人體外觀美感最強烈及最直接的因素之一即為膚色,同時膚色亦可為人體其他多方面的表徵。因此,精確的表達膚色亦為決定服飾美學重要的 一環。本論文即針對大台北地區0至60歲民眾臉都膚色分佈情況,利用D65 照明10。視角進行基礎性研究,並採用色彩物理學方法做進一步之分析。其 結果顯示年齡差異對於人體臉部膚色有顯著之影響。以正常人整體驗部膚色 而言,年齡分項分析所得人體臉都膚色會隨年齡範圍的改變,其在明暗度與彩度上則有較顯著的差異,其中以前-30歲女生之膚色較為鮮亮;年齡在56~60歲男生之膚色較為暗沉。另外,性別上之差異對於人體臉都膚色亦有顯著的影響。一般而言,女性之膚色在明暗度與色相上差異較小,彩度上則 以40歲以上之膚色黃化程度較高;而男性的膚色在明暗度上較偏暗沉。再者,就同年齡層與不同性別而言,其臉部膚色則隨年齡之增長,不同性別膚色差異有逐漸增大之傾向。


色彩物理學 照明 膚色 服飾美學


The skin colour, especially for the facial skin colour, is one of the strongest and the most direct factors to emphasize the character of the general appearanee of fashion such as the textile fashion. In addition, the facial skin colour may be related to the entirely clothing esthetics, the selection of cosmetics, and so on. Hence, in this study, the facial skin colours of the people in various ranges of age within the area of Taipei are measured and analyzed in colour physics. The CIE D65 illuminant and eIE 1964 colour matching functions are used in this basic research and the further analysis. The results show theat the people in different ranges of age tested have their own characters in the facial skin colour. With respect to the facial skin colour of normal people, the main effect of changes in the ranges of age is on the lightness and chroma of the facial skin colour. For example, the female in the 26-30 age range have the brightest and most colourful colour of the facial skin while the male in the 56-60 age range having the darkest one. Furthermore, the gender is also able to obviously affect the facial skin colour of people Generally speaking, for the female, the facial skin colour has less variation in brightness and hue, but for those who over the age of 40 having the higher degree of yellowness. On the other hand, the male have darker facial skin colour. Moreover, as for the people with the same range of age, there exists the tendency that the higher the level of age is, the larger the difference in facial skin colour due to the change of gender.


